By Lynn Venhaus Whether you describe her as a grand dame or a beloved veteran, the multi-talented Donna Weinsting is a true all-around champion in...
February 2025 will mark the beginning of St. Louis Actors’ Studio’s 17th season, themed “Something Old Something New." The season includes productions of Eugene O'Neill's...
St. Louis Actors' Studio Releases Book "Unlikely Japan and Other Plays" St. Louis Actors' Studio (STLAS) and esteemed film director, screenwriter and playwright Neil LaBute have published a...
By Lynn Venhaus Anyone who has experienced grief knows that moving forward, life is measured by “Before” and “After.” “The Whale” delves into the mental...
By Lynn VenhausEmbarking on his most challenging role to date in an acting career spanning 35 years, William Roth has transformed himself into Charlie, the...
By Lynn Venhaus Local treasure John Contini is at his best in a vibrant, vigorous portrayal of legendary actor John Barrymore that is both funny...