Ooh la la! Come celebrate the City of Love with us! In 2024, Paris will host the Summer Olympics and mark the 135th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower and the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and we all know its place in the arts, culture, cuisine, and history, so that is the theme for Arts For Life’s annual Trivia Night on Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024.

The event will take place at the Kirkwood Community Center, 111 S. Geyer Road, St. Louis, with doors open at 6:30 p.m. and 10 rounds of general-knowledge questions to begin at 7 p.m.

Cash prizes will be awarded to first and second place teams. There will be a 50/50 raffle, silent auction, mulligans available, and a costume contest.

Feel free to dress up as any French character in entertainment or real life. Vive la France!

Nominations will be announced for the annual Theatre Mask Awards (plays) and Best Performance Awards (musicals) honoring excellence in community theater and youth productions during 2023

“Don’t miss the most fun time in metropolitan St. Louis’ community theater!” said AFL President Mary McCreight.

Tables of 8 players are available, at $160 per table. To make a reservation, visit https://arts-for-life-2.square.site/ or www.artsforlife.org. You can also email: afltrg@artsforlife.org for more information. Mulligans will be available, at 5 for $10 or 10 for $20.

The event also includes a silent auction and 50/50 drawing. Cash prizes will be awarded to first and second place teams.

For the past 24 years, AFL has honored musical theater with the Best Performance Awards and introduced the Theatre Mask Awards to honor comedy and drama productions in 2015.

The dates, times and places for this year’s BPA and TMA ceremonies will be announced at a later date.

“These events recognize the incredible talent we have in St. Louis community theater and honor the passion and dedication of those who build this amazing and unique theatrical community,” McCreight said.

Sponsorships are available – trivia rounds at $100 and event at $50.

Sponsorship includes group/company name and logo displayed at the beginning and end of event as a sponsor, then group/company name and logo displayed on our social media sites as a sponsor.

Arts For Life is a local not-for-profit arts organization dedicated to the healing power of the arts through its work with youth, the underserved and the community, with its goal of “Making a Dramatic Difference.”

AFL is dedicated to promoting public awareness of local community theatre, encouraging excellence in the arts, and acknowledging the incredible people who are a part of it.

For more information, email afltrg@artsforlife.org. or visit the website.

BPA Emcee Chris Moore at 2023 ceremony. Funds raised at Trivia Night help produce our awards events.