By Lynn Venhaus
The awful truths of a dysfunctional family dealing with addiction and a lifetime of blame games is presented, unvarnished, in Eugene O’Neill’s potent semi-autobiographical masterwork,  “Long Day’s Journey into Night.”

St. Louis Actors’ Studio has bravely tackled this challenging behemoth with ambition, dedication and determination, but with an interpretation that isn’t always as hard-hitting as one expected. Perhaps the subtlety sneaks up on us with a final emotional wallop at that sorrowful ending.

For those familiar with the clinical aspects of addiction psychology, the play is nearly a textbook example of how people in a family are affected by years of resentment, bickering, excuses, and unhealthy confrontations. And this is at an unenlightened time.

Mary Tyrone (Meghan Baker) has returned home after a sanitarium stay for her morphine addiction, which she blames on her rheumatoid arthritic pain, and her difficult pregnancy with her second son, Edmund. She fusses about her appearance, and frets about the family’s misfortunes.

Dustin Petrillo as Edmund and William Roth as James. Photo by Patrick Huber.

Her obsessive husband James (William Roth) is a once-famous stage actor who had a prosperous career, but is a notorious penny-pincher, haunted by his poor Irish immigrant upbringing. He is often chastising his sons for wasteful spending and not living up to their potential. He and the boys are heavy drinkers, likely he and Jamie are alcoholics, which they don’t acknowledge but keep enabling.

Oldest son Jamie (Joel Moses) is also an actor, not as successful, while Edmund (Dustin Petrillo) is a writer and poet, working for the local newspaper. He is also in ill health, likely consumption (tuberculosis). They are used to their flawed and stingy father finding fault with them, already beaten down by life.

Mary’s family is welcoming, but worried, afraid that she will slide back into use. Given the family’s penchant for blaming each other for their shortcomings and failings, it doesn’t take long to return to those bad habits.

They lack coping skills, and it’s obvious how deep the grudges go. It’s a sad, but inevitable dark trajectory, and unfortunately, a familiar one to many. Hence, the universal theme that remains recognizable.

Set in August 1912, over the course of one day, O’Neill wrote the play between 1939-1941, but it wasn’t staged until 1956, after the writer’s death in 1953. He posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1957, and it is considered one of the great plays of the 20th century. Of course, these days, one can admit the exposition is lengthy, and the penchant for narrating memories is overused, but that was O’Neill’s style.

Meghan Baker and William Roth as Mary and James Tyrone. Photo by Patrick Huber.

As characters tiptoe around their deeply felt animosity, they recite their laundry lists of grievances, and each of the four acts explores a toxic atmosphere of bitterness despite a foundation of familial love, although broken.

The gloomy setting is their seaside summer home in Connecticut, and the tech crew has incorporated mist rolling in and sounds of the sea, which is a nice atmosphere in contrast to the claustrophobic drawing room where most of the action, well heated conversations, take place.

Everyone excuses their behaviors, and as Mary, in serious denial, becomes increasingly miserable and delusional, no amount of numbing themselves through whiskey matters.

The assignment is to bring out each character’s humanity and that is a tough one. Director Austin Pendleton has taken a measured approach, and the pace does not sag. While at times, the parents seem to be talking at each other, not with each other, they hint at the inescapable conflicted feelings that make them unavailable emotionally for each other. However, Roth and Baker exhibit a tenderness towards each other at times.

Most impressive are the brothers, Moses and Petrillo, who are dynamic scene partners, conveying an unbreakable brotherhood bond even when they lash out at each other.

Petrillo’s performance as the brooding, seemingly doomed brother, is the right amount of fear, confusion, and conflict. He’s closest to his mother, and therefore crestfallen when he fears a relapse. He earns the most sympathy.

Jamie could just be a caricature of an insensitive jerk unable to break a cycle of irresponsibility and anger, but Moses has found the right shift in tone, the character’s inability to break his abusive cycle. He’s the more pitiable character.

The elder James is too stubborn and intolerant, which is to his detriment, so Roth’s performance is an unwavering one-note in judginess.. He can’t understand his family’s falling apart because it would mean he has to shoulder some of the blame, and he lacks that capability. I thought, because his background is old-timey stage-acting, he’d offer more grandstanding, but it’s a stern tone throughout. at times rushed.

As the most tragic Mary, Baker appeared to be too young for the emotional heft of the role, but perhaps she didn’t project her desperation enough. The haunted Mary has spent a lifetime of disappointment looking back and never dealing with the present issues at hand. She has become irrelevant and a bystander in her own life, which is incredibly morose. Nevertheless, her longing is palpable.

Meghan Baker and Bridgette Bassa. Photo by Patrick Huber.

While the melancholy play is a mixture of fire and ice, it can appear tedious, but the celebrated Pendleton kept the action conventional, where the actors stay focused in the moment on the oppressive dysfunction. Amy J. Paige, longtime stage manager, is a master at calling a show, too.

Bridget Bassa, as the Irish maid Cathleen, engages in moments of levity, which are nice comic relief.

“Long Day’s Journey into Night” has strong technical work from scenic designer Patrick Huber, always a treat, who also designed the outstanding lighting. Costume designer Teresa Doggett’s period appropriate garb established the family’s positions, although Baker’s wig seems overwhelming. Noteworthy were Kristi Gunther’s crisp sound work, Chuck Winning’s technical direction, and Emma Glose’s props. Shawn Sheley’s work on the fight choreography was also convincing.

While a painful glimpse into one American family’s addiction ordeal, the fact that O’Neill was candid enough to recognize his trauma wasn’t unique, and lays bare fragile episodes we can identify with, and grow from (hopefully).

For anyone wondering if “Long Day’s Journey into Night” remains relevant, yes it does, and St. Louis Actors’ Studio’s effort is commendable because of the depth and difficulty required.

St. Louis Actors’ Studio presents “Long Day’s Journey into Night” from Feb. 10 to Feb. 23, Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 3 p.m. at the Gaslight Theatre. The play is about 3 hours, with a 15-minute intermission. For tickets, visit They are also on sale at the box office an hour before showtime.

Meghan Baker and William Roth. Photo by Patrick Huber.

By Lynn Venhaus

Quickly making a name for himself for his versatile work in local regional professional theater companies, Joel Moses continues to challenge himself through a variety of opportunities.

Recently, he was nominated for two St. Louis Theater Circle Awards – as a supporting performer in St. Louis Shakespeare Festival’s “As You Like It” as Duke Frederick, and for his leading role as a conflicted husband in the Albion Theatre drama, “Lungs.”

This follows winning two awards for the 2023 season, for leading performer as a pastor who is having a crisis of faith in “The Christians” and as a supporting performer in “Bronte Sisters House Party” as the black sheep brother Branwell.

After having a banner year in 2024, in both the acclaimed “All My Sons” production at New Jewish Theatre and “As You Like It” in Shakespeare Glen, both Circle-nominated ensembles, and playing the Jewish theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg, who worked on the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos, in “Copenhagen” for St. Louis Actors’ Studio, he returns to The Gaslight Theatre in one of the great plays of the 20th century.

He stars as Jamie Tyrone in Eugene O’Neill’s magnum opus, “A Long Day’s Journey Into Night,” which is being directed by Austin Pendleton and features Meghan Baker, William Roth, Dustin Petrillo and Bridgette Bassa.

Moses was gracious to take our questionnaire and discuss this challenging work, which will run from Feb. 7 to Feb. 23, on Thursdays through Sundays.

Joel, who moved here during the pandemic with his partner Danielle, describes his journey as an actor in St. Louis and beforehand, and his joy in being part of collaborative teams.

He first worked with St. Louis Actors’ Studio on two one-acts, “The Zoo Story” by Edward Albee and Harold Pinter’s “The Dumb Waiter,” opposite William Roth, then has returned. He has worked with SATE, The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, St. Louis Shakespeare Festival, Albion Theatre, New Jewish Theatre, The Midnight Company and West End Players Guild.

In New Jewish Theatre’s “Laughter on the 23rd Floor.” Photo by Jon Gitchoff.

Take Ten Q & A with Joel Moses

1. What is special about your latest project?

“I love working on challenging plays, and Long Day’s definitely checks that box. We have an incredible cast and production team, many of whom I am getting the opportunity to work with for the first time.

I think it could be easy to spiral into despair working on this play, but happily that’s not been my experience. Austin has this effortless way of creating an atmosphere of glee in the room. Beyond that, he is incredibly insightful about the work and infinitely curious about pretty much everyone I’ve seen him encounter. And his stories, the man has a story about seemingly everyone.”

2. Why did you choose your profession/pursue the arts?

“My mom says that from an early age I was always in character.  Acting was the first thing I ever felt I was ‘good’ at. And when I started doing theatre in high school that was the first time that I really understood what it meant to be a part of a team. So those things were very appealing to me as a young person.

When I started college, I was planning to be a high school theatre teacher, but after my first semester I realized I only wanted to focus on Acting. I switched my major from theatre education to a BFA in theatre performance and never really looked back.”

3. How would your friends describe you?

“As someone who is reserved at first but opens up once I trust you. Someone who is thoughtful and compassionate, but also has a dry, cynical sense of humor. Someone who takes his work very seriously, but in many other ways is a silly goofball.

With Nicole Angeli in “Lungs.”

4. How do you like to spend your spare time?

“I’m a bit of a homebody, so I do like to spend a lot of my downtime relaxing at home with my partner Danielle and our dogs and cat. I love to read, although working on plays can sometimes delay my progress on a book. I really love movies, even a lot of terrible ones. I would describe one of Danielle’s qualities as being a bit of an adventurer, and as a result I’ve spent much more time enjoying nature and visiting beautiful places in the 10 years we’ve been together.”

5. What is your current obsession?

“My current obsessions tend to be the shows I am working on. So right now, it is ‘A Long Day’s Journey Into Night.’ Also, pretty much any dog I see at any time.”

6. What would people be surprised to find out about you?

“I get anxious in social settings and can sometimes struggle with words.”

7. Can you share one of your most defining moments in life?

“I spent the summer of 2012 studying abroad at the Moscow Art Theatre. It was a very intense experience in many regards. We were in classes six days a week, seeing plays a few times a week, and trying to experience as much of Moscow as we could. I stood in Stanislavski’s home studio, Tolstoy’s Garden, visited Chekhov’s grave. It was an incredibly inspiring artistic experience that had a huge impact on how I think about and approach work. It was also a culture shock…this was 2012, Putin had just ‘won’ another election there (or was about to). I used to dream of going back to Moscow someday…sadly I don’t see how that would ever be possible again.”

8. Who do you admire most?

“Alexander Gelman. Gelman was the director of the School of Theatre and Dance at NIU when I was in the MFA program there, and the Artistic Director of the Organic Theater Company when I was a member of that acting company. He is my great teacher and continues to be a mentor to me today.”

9. What is at the top of your bucket list?

“I’m going to give the nerdiest answer I can and say I want to play a character in each of the four great Chekhov plays before I’m done: Three Sisters, The Cherry Orchard, Uncle Vanya, The Sea Gull.”

10. What is your favorite thing to do in St. Louis?

“I do love seeing as much theatre as I can, and there is so much great theatre here – and something for everyone’s tastes. At any point in the season, you can find new, classic, and weird plays, something to make you think, or something to help you escape. We are lucky to have such a great artistic community with a lot to offer.”

I also love that St. Louis is such a good beer town, so I enjoy visiting local breweries when I can. And I’m always interested in finding a good cheeseburger so that gets me out and about.”

11. What’s next?

“Auditions, auditions, auditions. Hopefully some callbacks. If anyone is casting out there, I have some availability in my calendar I’d love to discuss with you. Maybe a comedy. I think I’m due for a comedy.”

In his award-winning role in “The Christians” at West End Players Guild.

More Information on Joel Moses

Birthplace: near Kansas City, Mo.
Current location: St Louis
Education: BFA: Theatre Performance – University of Central Missouri – 2006.
Moscow Art Theatre – Summer Acting Intensive – 2012.
MFA: Acting – Northern Illinois University – 2013.

Day job: I don’t really have one full time job, but juggle a handful of part time jobs. I adjunct at SLU and Webster, and I absolutely love teaching. I love working with students and getting to be a part of their process. I’m also a teaching artist for Prison Performing Arts and work a few lunch shifts at a local brewery.

First job: Fry Cook. Dairy Queen.
First play or movie you were involved in or made: “I think I was a rain drop in a play about agriculture in first grade.”
Favorite jobs/roles/plays or work in your medium?

It is so hard for me to pick favorites, but here are some particularly memorable roles in no particular order.

•           Ubu in King Ubu, Organic Theater Company

•           Einstein in Picasso at the Lapin Agile, Organic Theater Company

•           Hamlet in Hamlet, Northern Illinois University MFA Thesis Performance.

•           Branwell in Bronte Sister House Party, SATE.

With Lizi Watt and Aaron Orion Baker in STLAS’ “Copenhagen.” Patrick Huber photo.

And 2024 was kind of a golden year for me. I loved all these projects I worked on last year.

•           Lungs, Albion Theatre.

•           George Deever in All My Sons, New Jewish Theatre.

•           Heisenberg in Copenhagen, St Louis Actors’ Studio

•           Duke Frederick in As You Like It, St. Louis Shakespeare Festival.


St. Louis Theater Circle Awards:

•           Outstanding Performance in a Drama: The Christians – West End Players

•           Outstanding Supporting Performance in a Comedy: Bronte Sister House Party – SATE

Favorite quote/words to live by: “The truth of ourselves is the root of our acting.” Sanford Meisner

“What is utterly absurd happens in the world.” Gogol

A song that makes you happy: “Scatman” – Scatman John

With Meghan Baker, William Roth, and Dustin Petrillo as The Tyrones in “A Long Day’s Journey Into Night. Patrick Huber photo.

“A Long Day’s Journey into Night” premiered in Sweden in February 1956 and opened on Broadway in November 1956, winning the Tony Award for Best Play. O’Neill received the 1957 Pulitzer Prize for Drama posthumously for the work, which is openly autobiographical in nature. The title refers to the setting of the play, which takes place during one single day.

The performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 8 p.m. and on Sundays at 3 p.m. General admission tickets are $60 each plus fees, $55 each plus fees for students with valid ID and seniors 65+, available via Ticketmaster or at the theater box office one hour before show time. For more information, visit or email

Joel Moses, far right, with Ryan Lawson-Maeske and Michael Pierce in The Midnight Company’s “The Lion in Winter.” Joey Rumpell photo.

February 2025 will mark the beginning of St. Louis Actors’ Studio’s 17th season, themed “Something Old Something New.” The season includes productions of Eugene O’Neill’s masterwork “Long Day’s Journey Into Night,” to be directed by renowned theater artist Austin Pendleton, and a new work by playwright Carter W. Lewis starring local legends Whit Reichert and Donna Weinsting.

“We are very excited about the offering for our 17th season, and to be working with Carter Lewis and Austin Pendleton again,” says William Roth, Founder and Artistic Director. “Carter’s plays have been featured in our LaBute Festival and Austin has come to STLAS to teach master classes.”

Austin Pendleton

Long Day’s Journey Into Night
By Eugene O’Neill
Directed by Austin Pendleton
February 7-23, 2025

O’Neill’s autobiographical masterwork, winner of the 1957 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, is an unflinchingly honest portrayal of addiction in a dysfunctional Connecticut family, and will be directed by STLAS friend and Broadway actor/director Austin Pendleton.

“A magnificent and shattering play.” – New York Post
“O’Neill’s masterpiece… What never ceases to astonish is the dizzying emotional contradiction of O’Neill’s characters. Within a tight classical structure, they bounce around like pinballs between reality and illusion.” – The Guardian
“A stunning theatrical experience.” – New York Herald-Tribune
“O’Neill’s most beautiful play.” – New York Daily News 

Donna Weinsting

By Carter W. Lewis 
Directed by Assoc Artistic Director Annamaria Pileggi
April 4-20, 2025 
Whit Reichert* and Donna Weinsting*

Whit Reichert

Clifford and Minnie devolve into a world of humorous, but ultimately heartbreaking minutiae as they navigate a blizzard, a dead son, a rat in the kitchen and worse; in order to hold on to a bit of control over their personal end of life decisions.

The couple enlists their derelict son to obtain Death With Dignity drugs from the state of Oregon, but due to an accident on the highway, the plan goes hysterically and tragically array. As a result, Minnie and Clifford cling to daily tasks as they slowly get cut off from the world by a blizzard and disconnected utilities. Their enduring love fuels them through an obstacle course of each day’s events.

11th Annual LaBute New Theater Festival
July 11-27, 2025

Tony Nominated Playwright Neil LaBute returns to host his award winning One Act Festival.

*Member Actors’ Equity Association


St. Louis Actors’ Studio is one of the leading professional theatres in the St. Louis. area, producing a four-show season of plays at our 97-seat Gaslight Theatre. STLAS collaborates with renown director, screenwriter and playwright Neil LaBute to produce the LaBute New Theater Festival each July in St. Louis and each January in New York City. The festival is a one-act play competition for emerging professionals and high-school writers. For more information and ticket sales, visit