By Lynn Venhaus

It really is a yard sale and a play rolled into one kooky experience. A Masha! Masha! Masha! mash-up of absurd comedy and history, “Romanov Family Yard Sale” is another unconventional offering from ERA (Equally Represented Arts) Theatre, always pushing whatever envelope they think needs a prod.

All tchotchkes must go so that these survivors, pushed out of power during the Russian Revolution, can flee abroad. Explained as a “purgation play told in three demonstrations,” we travel back in time to July 1919.

These chapters identify the quirky focus: “Capeetalism,” “The Church of the Great Babooshka,” and “Independence Day.” Life, as they knew it, is over, and their future is scary, given the recent past and unmoored present.

This takes place exactly one year after the last Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, was executed, along with his wife, Empress Alexandra, and their children – grand duchesses Anastasia, Maria, Olga and Tatiana, and only son Alexei, a hemophiliac.

Their distant cousins want to escape to the U.S., with hopes of American filmmakers publicizing their plight. Chrissy Watkins, as very serious Dody, and John Wolbers, as a determined Kirk, arrive with their video cameras, and receive an enthusiastic royal welcome.

This part is fictionalized, but the House of Romanov really ruled imperial Russia from 1613 to 1917, until forced to abdicate and placed under house arrest by those Lenin-led Bolsheviks. That’s when the Iron Curtain came down as the Communist Party took over.

The play’s setting is in a former Tsar-sponsored theater wrecked by those revolutionaries. The loyalists warn us not to sit in a red chair, or we may be shot.

Frustrated by their predicament, they express themselves as people clinging to their old way of life. But they are also protective of each other, like families are.

You might feel like you are entering a reality TV zone. Prior to the performance, tables and racks are laden with goods that are later made available in the lobby. And the cast is already in character, hawking their wares and advising on what to do.

They are really pushing the ‘Baby Beans,” aka plush toy animals that look like the Beanie Babies popularized in the 1990s. There is no such Beanie Baby Bubble Burst in their world.

Ellie Schwetye as Little Yelena.

Using convincing thick Russian accents, aided by dialect coach Keating, an all-in repertory of regular ERA interpreters and other veterans dance, prance, bicker and sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” like they are putting on a pageant for their wannabe home in exile.

As part of this eccentric ensemble, they offer us bread, vodka shots, and Anastasia’s hand in marriage while trying to purge all their possessions.

They will collect tickets, and people do walk out with stuff (they even have a basket of plastic bags to carry purchases). Need a VHS copy of “Waterworld” or a well-worn romance novel?

It is not a prerequisite to brush up on Russian history to understand the story, but if you recall a basic outline, and recognize a Faberge egg, you’ll find Courtney Bailey’s clever original play even more amusing. And while the acting is mostly for laughs, their characters’ despair does peek through.

Adam Flores offers a touch of poignancy as bereaved Cousin Alexi, waltzing with his deceased wife, Cousin Katrina (a skeleton often guided by Bailey)..

Lucy Cashion, director and ERA mastermind, is adept at making classic literature structures fresh with unique twists and divergent perspectives.

She keeps the characters swirling so the action is swift, although a tad chaotic at times with 15 people on stage. Resourceful, she also designed the set and the sound and was the video editor.

She last tackled Russia in a Chekhov-inspired “Moscow” drinking game and one-act play produced for the St. Louis Fringe Festival in 2015, and again as a whimsical red-soaked Zoom play fundraiser in 2020.

Bailey, who wrote the imaginative “Bronte Sister House Party” for SATE in 2022, Best New Play Award from the St. Louis Theater Circle, has created another fertile playground for her latest effort.

Last year, the pair humorously combined the John Hughes Brat Pack comedy “The Breakfast Club” with a Bertold Brecht pastiche – and nod to Cold War spies in an East German political satire called “The Brechtfast Club.”

Inspired by Southern yard sales and pop culture touchstones, whip-smart Bailey has inserted references to the 1975 “Grey Gardens” documentary through very funny portrayals by Rachel Tibbetts as Big Yelena and Ellie Schwetye as Little Yelena, a perfect pairing.

She also credits the 1997 Dreamworks animated feature “Anastasia,” the “Independence Day” blockbuster movie from 1996, and Episode #822 of NPR’s “This American Life.” And apparently, Kate Bush’s 1980 song (also misspelled title) “Babooshka” was an influence.

Alicen Moser as Pigbat and Cassidy Flynn as Rasputin.

The spry large cast, some of whom were in “The Brechtfast Club” and The Midnight Company’s recent “Spirits to Enforce” that Cashion directed, includes characters you might recognize from their historical significance.

For instance, always hilarious Cassidy Flynn is Rasputin. He makes a dramatic entrance, in a stringy raven-haired wig with a shock of a silver streak, and black garb, as the controversial figure – charlatan or mystic, visionary and faith healer?

His sidekick, Pigbat, is played in disguise by Alicen Moser. I did not fully understand that character’s purpose, possibly only to add sight gags as she flaps her white Russian wings?

Ashwini Arora has fun toying with the public mystery of princess Anastasia – who may be dead or may be an imposter, or who might actually have escaped. That tale has been the subject of movies, plays and musicals, so the ERA collaborators incorporate the legend and surrounding confusion.

Three strong actresses play sisters named Masha like they are part of the Brady Bunch (of course!) – Celeste Gardner, Kristen Strom, and Maggie Conroy are engaging maidens, who can be kinda bitchy too, moving in unison.

They are outfitted in distinctive peasant garb, which displays the fine handiwork of costume designer Marcy Wiegert.

Exaggerating stereotypes, Miranda Jagels Felix is a hunched over and very worried Aunt Babooshka, wearing the traditional kerchief tied under the chin, and deep-voiced Anthony Kramer looks like a member of the politburo with a tweedy jacket and a thick mustache (that had trouble staying on) as Uncle Boris. He is obsessed with eggs, a running joke.

Multi-hyphenate Joe Taylor is this production’s Most Valuable Player, as he not only composed an interesting original cinematic-like score, but also plays the keyboard, and performed as “A Choir of Raccoons.”

He was the cinematographer for a black-and-white old-timey film called “The Last of the Romanovs” that is played at the conclusion. And added AV technician and music director to his chores, too.

As much as I enjoy watching this collective perform, and I consider their “Trash Macbeth” in 2016 one of the all-time treasures in local theatre, this play is too stretched out and would work better condensed into one act, not two.

A little nipping and tucking would heighten the ‘oomph’ that it achieves intermittently. As funny as Flynn is onstage, and the devilish Rasputin is in his wheelhouse, the middle “Church of the Great Babooshka” segment slumped when it went off on religious tangents, especially the communion.

Admittedly, the wedding ceremony, and plucking a game groom from the audience, was confidently handled, and the revelry was fun. Time for a daffy dance break!

The audience seemed to lean in to all the goofiness that ensues, even if it wasn’t always clear what was happening in this universe that teetered between fantasy and reality.

When you have that much assembled talent, it’s hard to find everyone a moment or two to shine, but they sure had a blast together as a tight-knit unit. These are swell collaborators who make the tiny but mighty ERA standout in the local landscape.

The show is co-produced by Cashion, Felix, Will Bonfiglio, and Spencer Lawton, who also effectively stage-managed. They are fully committed to surprising patrons and making sure their presentations offer something different.

Crisp work by Emma Glose as tech director and Denisse Chavez as lighting designer is also notable.

With their avant-garde experimental nature, inventive ERA always sparks ideas, and they gather the talent to pull off even the most peculiar material. No matter what, they are conversation starters.

ERA Theatre Presents “Romanov Family Yard Sale” from July 4 through July 20, Thursdays through Sundays, at 8 p.m. at the Kranzberg Arts Center (Blackbox theatre), 501 Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63104. It is recommended for audiences age 21+. For more information, visit, For tickets,

By Lynn Venhaus

Need a vacation? Escape to Forest Park’s Shakespeare Glen for an idyllic summer treat, for “As You Like It” is a robust, refreshing tonic that celebrates the restorative powers of art, love, and nature.

An absolutely perfect vehicle for the St. Louis Shakespeare Festival’s annual offering, this 1623 romantic comedy is fun and frisky.

It’s been 20 years since it was last performed on the mainstage, and one of the playwright’s most accessible.

Sprinkling her magic fairy dust, director Nancy Bell demonstrates why she is a master interpreter of the Bard. A creative genius, she stamps every project with esprit and has a firm grasp of iambic pentameter.

In much the same way she has engaged audiences by transforming classics into easy-to-understand mashups in past local Shakespeare in the Streets projects, she maintains a breezy and playful atmosphere.

The festival’s former playwright-in-residence, she wrote the vigorous “Remember Me” performed outdoors in Maplewood, “Blow Winds!” downtown, “Good in Everything” in Clayton, “The New World” in Benton Park West, and the St. Louis Theater Circle Award winners for Best New Play “The World Begun” in Old North St. Louis and “Old Hearts Fresh” in The Grove.

Christian Thompson, Wali Jamal.. Photo by Phillip Hamer.

To further illustrate a point about embracing change in “As You Like It,” Bell’s adaptation is a liberating antidote to a stuffy and strait-laced patriarchal Gilded Age.

A scintillating ensemble conveys a more laid-back, accepting merry band of brethren – well, emphasis on a sisterhood – once action shifts to the Forest of Arden.

The contrasts couldn’t be sharper when imperious Duke Frederick – ever-reliable Joel Moses in high-handed wickedness, banishes his sister Duchess Senior, a feisty Michelle Hand, from the royal court. Oh pshaw!

Defiantly, the Duchess flees to the Forest of Arden, where she discovers exile can be rejuvenating. It’s another memorable performance from the inspired Hand.

Also thriving in this pastoral setting is the Duchess’ daughter Rosalind, a clever girl who disguises herself as a man, Ganymede. After all, this is Shakespeare, so of course the plot includes mistaken identities.

Caroline Amos is poetry in motion as Rosalind, sprinting across the stage with boundless energy. She is matched by the delightful Jasmine Cheri Rush as her loyal cousin-best friend Celia, the Duke’s daughter. Rush has returned for a second year, after playing Olivia in last summer’s “Twelfth Night.”

Bianca Sanborn, Michelle Hand, Riley Carter Adams, Beth Bombara. Photo by Phillip Hamer.

Rosalind falls in love with affable landowner Orlando, also displaced, and Christian Thompson is a charmer as her heroic object of affection, if a bit dim because he doesn’t suspect anything unusual.

In fairness, he’s pre-occupied trying to stay one step ahead of his scheming brother Oliver (Greg Cuellar), who is not very nice – as in trying to get his sibling killed.

Their lives become topsy-turvy, with thankfully Orlando having a change of heart, and the sweet Celia zeroes in on him.

Further wackiness ensues with the introduction of effervescent Ricki Franklin as bawdy Touchstone, a clownish character. Franklin’s a bright addition for the second year in a row, a scene-stealer last summer as Dame Toby Belch in “Twelfth Night,” a gender-bending turn that earned her a St. Louis Theater Circle Award,

Delivering one of Shakespeare’s most famous soliloquys, “All the world’s a stage…,” the mellifluous Wali Jamal earned applause immediately after reciting the passage so eloquently. He plays Jaques, a solitary and gloomy man who leans towards the melodramatic.

The multi-generational cast includes familiar and fresh faces, notably local treasure Joneal Joplin, who was in the festival’s first Forest Park show, “Romeo and Juliet,’ in 2001. He returns for his seventh one as Adam, a devoted servant of Sir Rowland de Boys, who is Oliver and Orlando’s father.

Jasmine Cheri Rush, Caroline Amos. Photo by Phillip Hamer.

Making her festival ensemble debut is winsome young teen Riley Carter Adams, a seasoned performer on local stages with television credits. She is listed as “young lady.”

Romance is on the mind of several characters. Kathryn A. Bentley is a likable shepherd Corin, a sage advisor to Silvius, who is not listening. CB Brown is endearing as the lad in need of guidance, for he’s in pursuit of Phoebe, who only has eyes for Rosalind (Ganymede).

Molly Wennstrom is spirited as the unpleasant but lovestruck shepherdess, whose course is altered by Touchstone’s interesting moves. Phoebe’s due for a rude awakening.

Two of the goofiest characters are Isaiah Henry as William, a simple, unsophisticated country boy crushing on goatherder Audrey, humorously played by Bianca Sanborn.

In a crowd-pleasing turn, St. Louis professional wrestler Lenny Mephisto, aka Maniacal Mephisto, is pitted against Orlando as Charles, a wrestler in the duke’s court.

The wrestling match is well-staged, thanks to savvy fight and intimacy choreographer Rachel Flesher, and Cuellar, who also is fight captain.

Lenny Mephisto, Christian Thompson wrestle. Photo by Phillip Hamer.

Captivating music is an integral part of this vibrant tableau, with an original score performed live on stage by local musician Beth Bombara in the role of faithful friend Amiens. Joining her are Sam Golden on viola and mandolin and percussionist Jeremy Reidy.

Scenic Designer Scott C. Neale, whose work has always astonished on the outdoor stage in Shakespeare Glen, has created a striking bucolic setting that is reminiscent of an old-timey illustrated picture book. Its reveal earned a hearty round of applause.

Among his six previous designs, you may recall his stunning set for “Antony and Cleopatra” in 2015 and “Henry IV and V” the year before.

As is customary, the technical work is superb, with distinct work by lighting designer Denisse Chavez and costume designer Dottie Marshall Englis. Sam Gaitsch choreographed buoyant moves, and props manager Taylor Laine Abs kept the accessories simple.

The unpredictability of working with live farm animals is evident with a goat and a sheep from D Bar S Ranch, which amused the crowd May 31. Apparently, from new accounts, they are adjusting to life in the spotlight.

Bianca Sanborn, Ricki Franklin. Photo by Phillip Hamer.

With its exuberant and energetic cast having a swell time on stage, that translates into one of the most enjoyable Shakespeare Festival’s mainstage efforts to date.

Due to their high standards, the festival has grown into the largest free outdoor Shakespeare play between the coasts. It’s a well-deserved achievement, and this supremely entertaining effort is not to be missed.

The festival is one of the best things about living in the St. Louis metropolitan region, and we are so very fortunate to be able to smile on a summer night under the stars in Forest Park.

St. Louis Shakespeare Festival presents “As You Like It” from May 29 to June 23, Tuesday through Sunday, at 8 p.m., free in Forest Park (Shakespeare Glen).

Shakespeare in the Park is free to attend, no reservations or tickets required for any of the performances. But every night a small number of reserved chairs and blanket spots are available for purchase – directly supporting the Festival’s mission and year round programming. Find your favorite spot: in the blanket-only section, box seats for up to six guests or general single-chair reservations.

CB Brown, Molly Wennstrom, Caroline Amos, Jasmine Cheri Rush. Photo by Phillip Hamer.
The company. Photo by Phillip Hamer.

By Lynn Venhaus

Why does contemplating personal accountability and public responsibility remain a potent topic these days?

Questions to ask ourselves, and the debate is put under a microscope in an outstanding example — New Jewish Theatre’s piercing, emotionally devastating production of “All My Sons.”

The illusions we live with – about families, neighbors, and success – results in an acting master class and impeccable direction.

A fascinating drama that showcases one of playwright Arthur Miller’s most explosive commentaries on the American Dream, director Gary Wayne Barker carefully calibrates the intensity while slowly peeling back the layers of gripping moral dilemmas.

In an ensemble full of revelatory performances, each actor brings fresh interpretations to a family – and their friends – unraveling because of secrets and lies. As we have discovered throughout history, it’s the cover-up that is so damaging – and with ripple effects because of an egregious swindle.

Seventy-seven years ago, “All My Sons” debuted on Broadway, and in many ways, is still relevant today. It was Miller’s first commercial hit and paved the way for his other epic commentaries on capitalism, American ‘exceptionalism,’ tangled loyalties, and the price for self-delusion, appearances, and power: “Death of a Salesman” in 1949, “A View from the Bridge” in 1955 and “The Price” in 1961, among them.

Miller based this on a true story, after reading a newspaper article about a similar incident.

Lintvedt, Johnston, Heil and Loui. Photo by Jon Gitchoff.

He has created vivid characters that live in an all-American neighborhood in an Ohio town in the late 1940s, where the locals would like you to believe that they’re living the high life in a setting not unlike a Norman Rockwell illustration.

And scenic designer C. Otis Sweezey was inspired by those popular Saturday Evening Post depictions of post-war prosperity.

The Kellers have been affected by World War II in several ways – their two sons, Chris and Larry served, but Chris (Jayson Heil) came home and works in the family-run munitions factory while Larry did not – he’s been missing in action for more than three years, and everyone but his mother Kate (Amy Loui) has given up on the likelihood that he is alive.

But more than that, military contracts were part of the family business, and selling defective parts has had serious repercussions.

Joe Keller (Greg Johnston) made a careless decision that came to light after faulty aircraft equipment was shipped overseas, resulting in 21 pilots’ deaths.

This misdeed, which he has rationalized and created an alternate reality about, sent his neighbor and partner Steve Deever to prison, while Joe was falsely exonerated, and his sentence commuted.

Still suppressing the secret that has upended their lives and torn apart the people around them, the Kellers are forced to deal with consequences. And a storm is coming, in that carefully cultivated backyard of theirs.

Rarely has a World War II story focused so harshly on disenchantment amidst the winning rah-rah attitude afterwards as incisive as Miller’s play.

Confronting their greed and delving into those expectations that wreak havoc in ordinary lives, supplies the actors with richly textured material.

Johnston, outstanding in last year’s “Uncle Vanya” at St. Louis Actors’ Studio and “The Nerd” at Moonstone Theatre Company (also directed by Barker), has never been better as the patriarch who rules with an iron fist.

In his big booming voice, Johnston, as Joe, boasts about reclaiming his life, thinking that nothing has changed, but everything has, and denial is his tragic flaw.

His son Chris is racked with guilt, and has invited his brother’s girlfriend, Ann Deever (Kristen Joy Lintvedt), to stay at their house. They’ve reconnected and fallen in love, keeping it hidden from his parents. Now, he’s ready to pop the question.

But it’s complicated. Not only was she Larry’s sweetheart, but Ann is the daughter of Joe’s business partner whom he blamed for shipping defective cylinder heads. Ann has not visited her father since he began his prison sentence and believes in his guilt.

Photo by Jon Gitchoff

While Joe was focused on making money and providing for his family, he basically put “America’s sons” in harm’s way through his dishonesty. What is that price worth and what communal responsibility do we have for the greater good?

Joe clings to his power, not believing he put freedom in jeopardy, but the fissures become significant. And this downfall, classic tragedy-style, is meticulously measured by a cast at the top of their game, directed with exceptional precision by Barker.

With a sure hand, Barker brings out the deceptions that everyone in this neighborhood lives with, flush with economic success. It is thoroughly compelling and thought-provoking as he shapes the momentum.

In his perceptive way, Miller delves into moral questions about protecting your family – even though others will be negatively affected, and the nature of being complicit in someone else’s crimes.

Kate, the grief-stricken mother, deludes herself that Larry will return, and finds solace in any reason to continue the fantasy – even astrology that a kind neighbor, Riley Capp as Frank Lubey, works on for her.

A razor-sharp Loui smoothly alternates a quick-silver range of emotions as she won’t admit the obvious and demonstrates how trauma has affected her – nervous and tormented by insomnia, headaches, nightmares. Loui goes beyond the dutiful wife and mother depiction to earn our sympathy – and pity.

Heil conveys Chris’ duty, honor and loyalty in a stunning, powerful performance that builds into an unavoidable catastrophe. Confused and uncertain, he shows both the internal and external struggles in a deeply felt, moving portrait that is a breakthrough role for him.

As the girl next door, Lintvedt is a standout as well. In a smaller but pivotal role, Joel Moses commands attention as Ann’s fuming brother George, a son desperately trying to exonerate his father as the fall guy.

He shows up, seething and full of rage, and stirs up a dark cloud, escalating Miller’s tightly constructed tension. The collateral damage will soon be extensive, and these performers deliver in gut-wrenching fashion.

Zahria Moore and Joshua Mayfield as the Baylisses. Photo by Jon Gitchoff.

The local doctor Jim Bayliss (Joshua Mayfield) is pleasant but growing more cynical in acclimating to social post-war life while his straight-shooting wife Sue (Zahria Moore), a nurse, has claws that come out in more contentious ways.

The cast also includes sunny Summer Baer as cheerful neighbor Lydia Lubey, who stayed there and has three kids, and 10-year-old Shane Rose in his debut as a local youngster, Bert.

 Michele Friedman Siler’s stellar vintage costume design captures the era in comfy casual attire, with George traveling more formally in suit, tie, and hat. Dennis Milam Bensie provided the wig design. Katie Orr’s props match the period as well. Amanda Werre’s sound design is exemplary, and Denisse Chavez’ lighting design provides interesting contrasts.

“All My Sons” grapples with split-second ethical decisions that are life-changing, and this latest New Jewish Theatre production is dramatically impactful and hard-hitting. It should not be missed.

New Jewish Theatre presents “All My Sons” from March 21 to April 7, with performances Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 4 and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. at the J’s Wool Studio Theatre, 2 Millstone Campus Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146. Individual tickets are $27- $58 and are available by phone at 314.442.3283 or online at

In line with the difficult themes of war and readjustment to civilian life, the New Jewish Theatre has decided to partner with the Veteran’s Community Project for an exclusive post-show discussion following the March 31 matinee show. After the curtain closes, audience members will have the chance to learn about the work they are doing to provides high quality and well-developed strategic services that enable Veterans to meet the challenges of day-to-day living, resolve immediate crises, and move towards permanent stability.

Photo by Jon Gitchoff.

By Lynn Venhaus

Relevant and empowering, New Jewish Theatre’s “Gloria: A Life” celebrates one of the most inspiring women in history with a knockout performance by Jenni Ryan as feminist icon Gloria Steinem.

Ryan wasn’t initially cast as Steinem, but was announced as the replacement on May 27, a mere five days before opening night. Under intense pressure, not to mention a time crunch, Ryan admirably captures the essence of the leading lady, with gumption and authenticity.

Like others who have been called in at the last minute on productions, for the-show-must-go-on on opening night June 1, she did have a script with her, and nonchalantly glanced at it a few times, but without any awkward interruptions. She affected Steinem’s calmer demeanor while other females are venting on inequality.

Ryan was last seen at the J as the mom in “Broadway Bound” in January. This current turn is a real-life triumph when the show is highlighting women’s accomplishments. After all, Steinem refers to herself as a “Hope-aholic.”

Hope and drive permeate this work. And Ryan gets it – why Gloria matters, why this story is important, and why it is crucial that social activism continue in this current political climate.

Photo by Jon Gitchoff

But it’s not a one-woman show. Emily Mann’s play spotlights other remarkable activists who were catalysts for change in the workplace, the home, and politics in the late 20th century.

Mann, a veteran playwright and artistic director, enlisted Steinem’s participation and guidance for this play, which premiered in 2018.

Now 89 years old, Steinem’s legacy is a remarkable one, and this interpretation details how she used her voice to champion others, putting into practice her philosophy that conversations can prompt changes.

For those who weren’t alive during the rise of the women’s liberation movement in the 1960s and 1970s, this gives that time perspective and is a valuable history lesson. But the 90-minute play (without intermission) is not merely a look back at the discrimination and harassment women faced and how they found their voices in unity.

Rather, it is an urgent call to action for today’s pressing issues. Because struggles are ongoing – race relations, reproductive rights, gender equality, gun violence, patriarchy, #MeToo, other freedoms threatened and democracy in peril. (And that’s where the second act comes into play.)

During the first act of Gloria’s journey, a passionate ensemble embodies a revolutionary spirit, with six actresses playing various pioneers of an earlier era and key people in Gloria’s life.

Actress Sarah Gene Dowling is both gutsy Congresswoman Bella Abzug and Gloria’s broken mother Ruth; Kayla Ailee Bush is fiery Ms. Magazine co-founder Dorothy Pitman Hughes; and Lizi Watt is fierce Wilma Mankiller, first female chief of Cherokee Nation, among the prominent figures; and Chrissie Watkins, Summer Baer, and Carmen Cecilia Retzer take on multiple roles, wearing many hats (and scarves).

Civil rights attorney Florynce Kennedy is depicted, as are women wanting to make a difference. Nevertheless, there are some famous not-so-nice guys, people who aren’t fans, and other negative folks among the positivity.

As directed by Sharon Hunter in the J. Wool’s Studio Theater space configured in the round, the women swiftly move in and out, expressing themselves in discussion, fiery tirades, protests, sisterhood bonding, period music and dance. They reflect the conscience-raising efforts of those past decades.

Significant life touchstones mentioned include Steinem’s reporting days (of course the undercover Playboy Bunny magazine piece); co-founding the National Women’s Political Caucus in 1971 with Abzug, Betty Friedan, Shirley Chisholm, and others; co-founding the monthly Ms. Magazine in 1972; and the 1977 National Women’s Conference.

Gloria’s story portion concludes with the Women’s March in January 2017 in Washington D.C., where Steinem spoke to thousands of women wearing pink pussy hats.

Photo by Jon Gitchoff

A lively Dowling excels as “Battling Bella” – who was elected to the House of Representatives for New York City’s 19th district in 1970, and was a driving force in liberal political organizations, supporting the Equal Rights Amendment, a women’s credit-rights bill, abortion rights, and child-care legislation. (In 1974, women could finally get a loan without their father or husband co-signing it, thanks in part to Bella).

It’s also important to note that the cast and crew are all women. Scenic designer Fallon Podrazik kept the set simple for movement and interaction, costume designer Michele Friedman Siler assembled retro fashions representative of the times, while sound designer Amanda Werre created a mélange of important sound bites and familiar tunes, and there is distinct illumination from lighting designer Denisse Chavez.

Props master Katie Orr’s work was particularly demanding, replicating magazine articles and finding Ms. Magazine issues, not to mention making protest signs.

And there is a unique second act, a 20-minute interactive “talking circle,” that seeks audience participation in hopes of harnessing the energy of this production. Playwright Mann thought it was important to engage people and that these conversations could propel folks into action, pointing to Steinem’s mantra “the healing is in the telling.”

The ultimate goal is for people to learn from each other, and as Gloria has said: “This is the way we discover we’re not crazy and we’re not alone.”

Photo by Jon Gitchoff

At several performances, a local Guest Responder is launching the talking circle by sharing their own story of breaking barriers or simply responding to the play. For a complete list, visit:

The night I was there, State Senator Tracy McCreery led the conversation. One of the audience members pointed out that black women were at the forefront of the feminism movement, and that led to more reflections.

While it may seem that the needle hasn’t been moved that much in the past 10 years, I know that I stand on the shoulders of giants, and I am appreciative of the women who fought hard for the rights we now enjoy. After this viewing, I am optimistic, citing the words of “Hamilton”: “This is not a moment, it’s a movement.”

“Gloria: A Life” is certainly galvanizing, and the cast is enthusiastic about the stories they are sharing. It can fire up younger generations and spark renewed excitement by re-activating those Baby Boomers who recall the victories of the past. And Steinem is still fighting for human rights.

And this intimate look is another opportunity for those to marvel at how far we have come– although the work is unfinished. There are more trails to blaze and fires to put out. The play has something to say and the cast underlines it with vigor.

New Jewish Theatre presents “Gloria: A Life” from June 1 – 18, on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., Saturdays at 4 and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. at the SFC Performing Arts Center, 2 Millstone Campus Drive. For more information: For tickets, call 314-442-3283 or go online at

Photo by Jon Gitchoff

Addendum: Some follow-up streaming programming:

  • “9to5: The Story of a Movement” is a 2021 documentary directed by Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert,” and currently streaming on Netflix. (It won the Joe Williams Documentary Award given by the St. Louis Film Critics Association. I was on that jury).

  • CNN miniseries “The Seventies” in 2015 – seventh episode is “Battle of the Sexes.” (Max)
  •  In a 2020 Amazon Prime original narrative film, “The Glorias,” Julie Taymor directed four different actresses to play Steinem at different stages of her life — Julianne Moore and Alicia Vikander as adults and Ryan Kiera Armstrong and Lulu Wilson as youngsters.
Photo by Jon Gitchoff