By Lynn Venhaus

Something is noticeably off-kilter as “Woman in Mind” embarks on an exploration of mental illness, an unusual dramedy from one of England’s most highly regarded playwrights, Alan Ayckbourn.

Albion Theatre, which specializes in works centered in the United Kingdom, tackles another complex production with elan. With its rigorous roles and uncommon style, “Woman in Mind” has a higher level of difficulty to pull off than last year’s amusing Ayckbourn black comedy “Absent Friends.”

But as with all their shows, they attract a top-tier ensemble, and this one’s a well-modulated unit – with each performer standing out in their debuts with the company.

Director Robert Ashton keeps the audience on their toes, for this play is told from a subjective first-person perspective. The imaginary world is vividly presented.

Ayckbourn, who has written 90 plays, has often toyed with conventional structures and crafted eccentric characters, many of whom are going through relationship difficulties and are at a crossroads.

He is fond of presenting class and gender discrepancies, with his quirky wit, and this one tackles certain failures to address mental health before it reaches crisis level.

Word is that “Woman in Mind” draws from his mother’s nervous breakdown and his estranged relationship with his son. In any case, it feels authentic despite the absurdities, and some outlandish swerves later in the narrative.

Written in 1985, the play is set in a home’s backyard garden in a small town south of London, and a loveless marriage is the springboard to how neglect manifests madness.

The main character, Susan, appears dazed and confused after falling while doing yardwork, initially conked on the head by a rake. Never leaving the stage, Emily Baker is compelling as she expresses every fleeting emotion when trying to figure out what has happened to her.

Emily Baker, Matt Hanify and Ryan Lawson-Maeske. Photo by John Lamb.

It’s a tour de force performance, for Baker adroitly alternates between a surreal dream life and a grim nightmarish reality. While a brain injury is no laughing matter, how Ayckbourn handles the tonal shifts is interesting.

Miserable spouses have been key components to social commentaries the women’s liberation movement of the 1970s produced in films such as “Diary of a Mad Housewife,” “An Unmarried Woman,” and “Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore,” and one could draw similarities here.

Ayckbourn is actually bold and daring when revealing the two very different scenarios as supporting characters are introduced. We see what Susan sees and hears what she does, and the blurred lines are striking.

Danny Brown’s thoughtful performance as Bill Windsor, Susan’s concerned, caring doctor, triggers the red flags. The hallucinations are played for laughs, not unlike a vintage screwball comedy.

When an attentive husband, a jovial brother and an adoring daughter show up, acting more like characters in a modern prescription drug commercial or referencing a 1960s TV family sitcom, the unreal atmosphere is intriguing.

It helps that Isaiah Di Lorenzo, in jaunty Cary Grant mode, and Joseph Garner, as an exaggerated version of beloved Brit comic actor Terry Thomas, willingly chew the scenery playing the fantasy husband Andy and cheerful sibling Tony. Both forces of nature on local stages, their performances always entertain and usually have a surprise element.

The expressive relationship dynamics point to Susan’s unhappiness. Sarah Vallo plays the fantasy daughter Lucy in the image of a perky, agreeable debutante that appears to be her mum’s best friend.

Joseph Garner and Emily Baker. Photo by John Lamb.

These idealistic images contrast sharply with the real people causing her pain. Matt Hanify plays her dull and self-absorbed husband Gerald, a vicar, as an unaffectionate stick-in-the-mud, and Ryan Lawson-Maeske is her tone-deaf son Rick, an ungrateful selfish adult who hasn’t communicated with his mother since he joined a cult, but now is free.

From her point of view, neither are willing to give her what she craves, and their lack of compassion has led to Susan’s breaking point.

These are unsympathetic roles convincingly portrayed by Hanify and Lawson-Maeske. But in another twist, they offer some harsh truths about Susan’s failings as a wife and mother that add another layer of dysfunction.

In a comic relief role, Susan Wylie is Muriel, Susan’s sister-in-law who often acts as a housekeeper, equal parts exasperated and daffy. And her culinary mishaps are hilarious. She is obsessed, however, with her deceased husband.

Because a nervous breakdown is a central theme, one imagines an unsettling and disturbing conclusion is inevitable, a la Tennessee Williams, rather than a happy musical comedy ending.

Aiding the creeping darkness is fine technical work from the creative staff. Michelle Zielinski’s lighting design and Jacob Baxley’s sound design enhance the moods while Tracey Newcomb’s costume choices match the personalities involved.

Erik Kuhn’s straightforward scenic design simply depicted a tidy garden, and he also oversaw the crisp tech work. Gwynneth Rausch’s ace work in multiple roles – assistant director, stage manager, and props – is again commendable.

The play, at about 2.5 hours plus intermission, becomes tedious with nonsensical gibberish in the final stretch as we toggle back-and-forth between a heightened reality and an increasingly wild series of events surrounding Lucy’s wedding that indicates David Lynchian weirdness.

But Baker’s mesmerizing performance showcases her keen intelligence and grasp of the character’s requirements, and that level of difficulty is not unlike a marathon runner, for the stamina on display is extraordinary.

After establishing herself as one of the more accomplished performers in town, she took a hiatus several years ago for all the right reasons, and now is back on the boards. It’s an exciting leading role return that should not be missed.

Joseph Garner, Danny Brown and Isaiah Di Lorenzo. Photo by John Lamb.

Albion Theatre presents “Woman in Mind” June 7 – 23 weekends at the Kranzberg Black Box, with performances at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday.  For more information, visit

By Lynn Venhaus

Epic in scope and intimate in execution, Tesseract Theatre Company’s “The Inheritance” Part I is a monumental achievement that leaves one exhilarated and eagerly anticipating Part 2.

A rich tapestry of yearning, desire, melancholy, fear, joy, hope, community, and love is written vividly and perceptively by Matthew Lopez.

This Tony and Olivier-Award winning play is surprising in its wit and depth of feeling as we’re hit with this tsunami of talent meeting moment after moment.

This magnum opus on what it’s like to be gay in America is boldly directed by Stephen Peirick and seamlessly acted by a passionate ensemble that radiates charm and conviviality.

It takes place decades after the AIDS epidemic while three generations of gay men grapple with those past tragedies, and the legacies of shame, secrets, and loss, especially at a time when hard-fought rights are available, yet shifting political tides make them vulnerable.

 What does it mean for the future? Intertwining a sprawling cast of 13, Lopez examines healing, survival, what home means and a class divide, inspired by E.M. Forster’s 1910 novel “Howards End.”

Because Forster examined class differences and hypocrisy in British society in the early 20th century, so does Lopez project his characters in the early 21st century.

Alex C Moore plays Morgan and Walter. Photo by FF.

Moments of grace and laughter abound as the knotty entanglements of life unfold. Lopez tackles the complexities we all face, connecting characters, ambitions and eras in a swirling, dizzying, fantastical way. It is specific to the LGBTQIA+ experience, but allies will be able to relate.

Where to begin with this marathon of a show that defies conventions and embraces universal truths?

Employing an uncommon structure, Lopez nimbly name drops in a dishy soap-opera way, using familiar – and amusing — pop culture references, while being profound about generational experiences with textured, novelist flourishes.

The production’s 7-hour runtime may be daunting, but do not be intimidated by its two parts. Yes, it is a commitment, but the rewards are vast, especially when everyone involved has given their all, and it shows.

Part 1, which is from Summer 2015 to Spring 2017, is 3 hours and 10 minutes. The first act is 75 minutes, followed by a 15-minute intermission, then the second act is 55 minutes, followed by a 10-minute intermission, and final piece of Part 1 is 52 minutes.

Part 2, which is set from Spring 2017 to Summer 2018, is 3 hours and 15 minutes with one intermission and a brief pause. I look forward to returning to find out what’s happening with these people.

Keeping the momentum was obviously Peirick’s goal, and it is riveting from start to finish, never sagging.

However, the way the multi-layered show is structured is an investment, as it has many moving parts and themes that intersect. Sure, it’s imperfect, but hello…

It takes a broad canvas and narrows it down, starting in a classroom, where out-and proud gay men in their 30s are instructed by E.M. Forster, known as “Morgan,” to shape their own stories.

Gabriel Paul as Toby and Chris Kernan as Eric. Photo by FF.

Yes, the legendary author Edward Morgan Forster, who lived from 1879 to 1970, and besides “Howards End,” wrote the novels “A Room with a View” and “A Passage to India,” all later adapted into Merchant and Ivory films.

This is a conceit that is a master stroke, and not far-fetched. While the contemporary characters here chastise Morgan for hiding his sexuality publicly as a gay man – homosexual acts in private weren’t decriminalized until he was 83 – he is a guiding light.

According to biographical data, in 1963, Forster wrote: “How annoyed I am with society for wasting my time by making homosexuality criminal. The subterfuges…that might have been avoided.”

While that is not forgotten, he never gave up on love and believed all his life that “the true history of the human race is the history of human affection.”

So, it’s no wonder that this play is based on his 343-page “Howards End,” demonstrating empathy and understanding, and especially with the full-circle motto: “Only connect.”

In “The Inheritance,” Morgan’s advice comes from a place of love and wisdom. In a preternatural performance, Alex C. Moore navigates the role like a captain on a ship, respected and in command. He’s an imposing, mesmerizing figure in dual roles.

“One may as well begin with Toby’s voice mails to his boyfriend,” he says with confidence, and the students appear to begin making up the work as they go along.

Toby at the disco. Photo by FF.

The interconnectedness of the characters is engrossing. Political activist Eric Glass is cultured and likes bringing people together. He’s mindful of making a difference in the world and his heritage. Chris Kernan plays him as committed but easygoing.

His boyfriend, aspiring playwright Toby Darling, is reckless and hedonistic, drawn to the limelight and lives in the moment. Gabriel Paul’s performance bristles with electricity — he’s a hot spring of emotion, giving off Icarus vibes.  

They are the main couple, but the secondary pair are two older, longtime companions –
Walter Poole and Henry Wilcox – wealthy gentlemen with social graces and an enviable lifestyle. Jon Hey as the capitalist billionaire Henry and Moore, as Walter, the caretaker/partner, ingratiate themselves as learned men of money and manners.

In another dual role, a captivating Tyson Cole is Adam, a flirtatious and adventurous rich kid who disrupts Eric and Toby’s lives.

For all of Toby’s faux bravado, there is an undercurrent of turbulence and mystery, particularly when Toby is drawn to a street hustler, Leo, also played by Cole. Paul’s intense Toby, as troubled as he is, driven by fame and his libido, is a remarkable achievement in complexity.

Cole superbly manages to play both his roles surreptitiously, distinguishing them in subtle ways. In his Prague monologue, he shows exceptional bravery.

Lopez has created a circle of friends that feels like a warm cocoon, in a way that Mart Crawley’s play “The Boys in the Band” couldn’t in 1968, or wasn’t, in its 2018 revival. They are a Greek chorus, not unlike Bobby’s married friends in the Sondheim musical “Company.”

It’s that dichotomy – outside in a not-so-kind world, and inside their sanctuary that is contrasted so sharply.

Through overlapping dialogue, the actors establish characters and their place in Eric and Toby’s orbit, while Kernan anchors this landscape. Eric has fostered a supportive environment, and now his life is topsy-turvy in both unexpected and anticipated ways.

He traverses the slab stage to center it as his family homestead, and then deals with all the aggravations of ‘being.’

Photo by FF.

A sweet friendship between Walter and Eric develops, and their conversations are lovely reminders of the people we meet on our journey, and how they influence our thoughts and deeds.

Howards End was the name of a country house in the novel, and a similar property is prominent in this play. It takes on different emotional and sentimental meanings, which is another interesting aspect, and best not be spoiled in a review. Its impact is earned in ending Part I.

Peirick’s scenic design expands on the blossoms of a significant cherry tree, and he has placed artwork based on several photos he took during his NYC travels on the walls, pointedly referencing the Bethesda Fountain at Central Park.

One of my favorite flavors of this show is that New York City is also a character, for it’s as much a love letter to the island as it is a contemplation on the big picture.

Lopez’s dialogue reminds one of NYC’s lure, of its magical quality as the center of the universe, its unparalleled cultural offerings, and its encapsulation of hopes and dreams.

“Every summer, waves of college graduates wash up on its shores to begin the struggle toward success and achievement,” one character says, and as the mother of two sons who did just that, it resonated.

Of course, people will compare this to the landmark “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes,” whose two parts “Millennium Approaches” and “Perestroika” opened on Broadway in 1993. After all, its themes are metaphorical and symbolic as it explored AIDS and homosexuality in the 1980s.

“The Normal Heart” by Larry Kramer is another touchstones – addressing the rise of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in New York City between 1981-1984.

These bellwethers inform and add emotional depth to this exercise, for advocacy isn’t confined to the past, a crucial message.

Tyson Cole is Adam and Leo. Photo by FF.

Warning to the audience: Because part of the show takes place in 2016 with social liberals re-enacting election night shock (and for some, horror), that could conjure up some “things.”

Depictions of relationships include frank dialogue and stylized moves for sexual encounters. Adam’s lengthy explicit monologue about a euphoric erotic experience in a gay bathhouse in Prague leads to a terrifying realization of the danger of unprotected sex, and immediate action with PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis, medicine taken to prevent HIV).

The supporting players are lively and animated, and transform into whatever they are tasked with, which adds to the show’s unique appeal. For instance, Kevin O’Brien shifts into two parts as one of Henry’s spoiled entitled sons and Eric’s fiery progressive activist boss Jasper.

Kelvin Urday and Nic Tayborn are funny as an anxious singular-focused couple expecting a baby through a surrogate. Jacob Schmidt and Sean Seifert are young Walter and Henry. Stephen Henley is the other spoiled entitled son of Henry. Donald Kidd is Tristan and Margery Handy is Margaret, and they both factor into Part 2.

While the subject matter is serious, levity is present, including a whole discussion on whether camp is necessary as an ostentatious example of gay-ness.

This massive undertaking has involved the outstanding skill sets of many local technicians – lighting designer Tony Anselmo, sound designer Jacob Baxley, technical director Kevin Sallwasser, assistant director Dani Mann, stage manager Rachel Downing, production manager Sarah Baucom and dialect coach Mark Kelley – and their accomplishments are noteworthy.

Part I is an extraordinary piece of theatre, enhanced by its fully alive cast and the creative team’s commitment to telling truths in this special way. “Only connect” is a good motto to leave a theater with, where you just saw brilliance shine.

The Inheritance cast. Photo by FF.

This production is for mature audiences. May contain mature themes, language, nudity, sexuality, violence, satire and/or progressive ideas.

Tesseract Theatre Company presents “The Inheritance, Parts I and 2” April 26 – May 5 at the Marcelle Theatre, 3310 Samuel Shepard Drive. Part 1 is presented Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27, at 7:30 p.m., with a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. April 28. Part 2 is presented Thursday and Friday, May 2 and 3, at 7:30 p.m., with a Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. on May 5. Both Parts 1 and 2 are presented on Saturday, May 4, with Part 1 at 2 p.m. and Part 2 at 7: 30 p.m.

For tickets, visit:

By Lynn Venhaus

A longtime multi-hyphenate in St. Louis, actor, director and playwright Stephen Peirick’s latest challenge is a very personal and special experience for him, what he describes as a “dream opportunity.”

As director of the regional theater premiere of the Tony-winning “The Inheritance,” he said it’s not only an honor and privilege to be a part of the work, but described the production as an “embarrassment of riches” because of his “hands-down brilliant” cast.

Tesseract Theatre Company will present “The Inheritance, Parts 1 and 2” by Matthew Lopez April 26 to May 5 at the Marcelle Theatre in Grand Center. There is one day, May 4, where both parts will be presented. For more information, visit and tickets are available at MetroTix.

Peirick is working with Tesseract for the first time. Taylor Gruenloh, former founder and artistic director, said he first thought of Stephen while reading the play, and locked him in to make it happen.

“As soon as I read that play, it reminded me of all the work Stephen was doing in town. And knowing how passionate he is about this kind of subject matter made it important to know he was at the helm before the rights were secured,” Gruenloh said.

The Daily Telegraph said it was “perhaps the most important American play of this century.” The play is based on “Howard’s End” by E.M. Forster and takes place in New York City decades after the AIDS epidemic, as three generations of gay men attempt to forge a future for themselves amid turbulent and changing America.

“This play doesn’t deny the pain of our experience.. it allows people to remember how we have gotten this far, what it’s like to fight, and who we have lost along the way. That sometimes our best weapon is our sense of humor, is our wit, is our intelligence, and is the love we have for each other,” said playwright Matthew Lopez.

Gabriel Paul and Chris Kernan. Photo by Tesseract Theatre Company.

Eric Glass (Chris Kernan) is a political activist engaged to his writer boyfriend, Toby Darling (Gabriel Paul). When two strangers enter their lives — an older man and a younger one — their futures suddenly become uncertain as they begin to chart divergent paths. This is an epic examination of survival, healing, class divide, and what it means to call a place home.

Besides Kernan and Paul, “The Inheritance” cast includes Tyson Cole, Stephen Henley, Jon Hey, Donald Kidd, Alex Moore, Kevin O’Brien, Jacob Schmidt, Sean Seifert, Nic Tayborn, Kelvin Urday, and Margery Handy. Assistant Director is Dani Mann.

Among its accolades, “The Inheritance” won the 2020 Tony Award for Best Play., the 2020 Drama Desk Award for Best Play and the 2019 Olivier Award for Best Play.

​This production is for mature audiences. May contain mature themes, language, nudity, sexuality, violence, satire and/or progressive ideas.

Peirick has been working with Stray Dog Theatre for years, and has performed and directed at West End Players Guild and performed with Union Avenue Opera in “Lost in the Stars.” He also works with Take Two Productions, a community theatre.

He is known for writing original plays as well, and has received nominations for Best New Play from the St. Louis Theater Circle for “Wake Up, Cameron Dobbs” and “Four Sugars.”

Last year, the Circle nominated him for his performance as Ned Weeks in “The Normal Heart” and several years ago for “The Doll’s House.”

He has also been nominated for the local community theatre Arts for Life awards for directing, lighting design, choreography and scenic design — winning the latter for Fun Home with Take Two Productions.

Next up is directing “Merrily We Roll Along” for Take Two Productions, which will be presented in September and October.

Stephen as Ned Weeks in “The Normal Heart,” with Joey Saunders, at Stray Dog Theatre in 2022. Photo by John Lamb.

Take Ten Questionnaire with Stephen Peirick

1. What is special about your latest project?

Larry Kramer masterfully wrote the brilliant play The Normal Heart, which detailed his experiences fighting for the gay community during the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. When I first saw Kramer’s play in 2011, it amplified a history I had been almost entirely ignorant of. It was a humbling moment as a gay man: an embarrassing privilege of my age. Kramer’s play inspired me to want to share this history with the world, and in particularly with the next generation of queer youth.

Our history is important. We are important. Matthew Lopez’s first-rate epic The Inheritance goes one step further, by asking audiences to ponder not only what we owe the generation who came before us, but what will we leave behind for the generation to come?

It’s not often that you get asked about your interest in directing a two-part epic – this has been a dream opportunity. It has been my incredible honor and privilege to direct the St. Louis premiere of this Tony-Award winning play.

And then, on top of it, to get to work with a hands-down brilliant local cast (Tyson Cole, Nic Tayborn, Sean Seifert, Jacob Schmidt, Stephen Henley, Donald Kidd, Kevin O’Brien, Kelvin Urday, Chris Kernan, Gabriel Paul, Alex C. Moore, Jon Hey, and Margery Handy) and an exceptional behind the scenes team (Dani Mann, Rachel Downing, Amanda Brasher, Abby Pastorello, Tony Anselmo, Jacob Baxley, Sarah Baucom, Kent Coffel, Kevin Sallwasser, as well as Tesseract’s Creative Directors Brittanie Gunn and Kevin Corpuz): this show has been an embarrassment of riches for a director. A special experience, for sure.

2. Why did you choose your profession/pursue the arts?

Because I can’t NOT pursue it. (I would be so much more well-rested if I just stay away!) At the end of the day, I’m a storyteller trying to get better at this craft. Whether I’m directing, acting, or writing…I have a passion for creating, and no matter how tired I get, I keep going back for more.

As George in “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” at Stray Dog Theatre in 2023, with Stephen Henley and Claire Wenzel. John Lamb Photo.

3. How would your friends describe you?

First and foremost, I think they’d say I was hot. And also, probably…hilarious. Okay; maybe they wouldn’t say either of those things unprovoked…or at all. But in my mind, those are the two compliments they are always ABOUT to share with me…before they get distracted by something else and forget .

4. How do you like to spend your spare time?

What is that? Spare time? Alas…should I ever find it again, I’d love to get back to writing.

5. What is your current obsession?

The Inheritance. I literally have no time for anything else. But once the show has come and gone, I love to spend summers outside…I love lounging in a pool, and enjoying R & R time. I love to find and read new plays, and I’m always on the lookout for some good Halloween décor. I track what’s playing in NYC, both on Broadway and Off…and I love reality television, or binding scripted shows.

6. What would people be surprised to find out about you?

If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.

7. Can you share one of your most defining moments in life?

Seeing my sister’s high school production of The Diary of Anne Frank when I was six or seven. It ignited in me my love for live theatre. When I look back on my life, I think it was the very beginning moment of this whole journey.

8. Who do you admire most?

My mom was, no doubt, the most influential person on me. She passed away nearly 10 years ago, and I miss her everyday, and I can’t help but wonder what she would think of the work I’ve done over these years.

Lavonne Byers, Stephen Peirick and Laurell Stevenson in “Good People” at Stray Dog Theatre in 2022. Photo by John Lamb.

9. How were you affected by the pandemic years, and anything you would like to share about what got you through and any lesson learned during the isolation periods? Any reflections on how the arts were affected? And what it means to move forward?

I was just getting ready to return to the stage as an actor (after having taken a year off) when the pandemic hit. Like for everyone else, it caused so much disruption to projects I had in the pipeline. Most of them still got to happen, although after a long delay, including directing Fun Home with Take Two Productions, and playing Mike in Good People and Ned in The Normal Heart for Stay Dog Theatre.

The Normal Heart was my dream project, and had been since 2011, so the fear that it would never get to happen, and that the arts might never recover was real.

I think it’s important to go see and support live theatre as one’s schedule (and wallet) allows. Volunteer to usher, and post to the socials when you go see work. Help your friends and family see that it is safe to return to the theatre, and that good things are happening. (And masks are still welcome in any theatre you might want that added layer of protection.)

10. What is your favorite thing to do in St. Louis? (Or your hometown)

I love to be immersed in our local arts scene as much as possible. This month alone, I saw productions with Stray Dog Theatre, The Rep, Clayton Community Theatre, and St. Louis Shakespeare. I love hitting up restaurants (The Tavern is a favorite for special occasions), and spending time with friends and family.

12. What’s next?

Next up, I am directing the musical Merrily We Roll Along for Take Two Players. This dynamic and rarely produced musical is currently having an incredible run on Broadway. Running for two weekends in September and October, our cast features an incredible group of local talent, including Ryan Farmer, Grace Langford, and Michael Baird in the central roles of Frank, Mary and Charlie.

Stephen Peirick and husband Jon Hey. Photo by Lynn Venhaus

More Information on Stephen Peirick
Birthplace: Franklin County, MO
Current location: St. Louis
Family: I am married to the incredible Jon Hey, and we have three cats: Kona, Poppy and George. I have four older sisters, three nephews, two nieces, two great nephews and two great nieces.
Education: BA in Communications/Theatre with a minor in Education
Day job: I have spent the last 15+ years working for a state association. I create our online newsletters, content for our socials, etc., and appreciate working for an organization that understands and supports my passion for the arts.
First job: I was a Ticket Taker at Six Flags when I was 15 years old.
First play or movie you were involved in or made: The first real, non-grade school Christmas play I did was a courtroom drama called The Night of January 16 when I was a freshman in high school.
Favorite jobs/roles/plays or work in your medium? Playing Ned Weeks in The Normal Heart at Stray Dog Theatre was such a dream; and seeing the premiere of my first, full-length play (in 2012 at West End Players Guild) Wake Up, Cameron Dobbs is something that I will never forget.
Dream job/opportunity: Taking Wake Up, Cameron Dobbs to New York maybe?
Awards/Honors/Achievements: I have been nominated for four St. Louis Theatre Circle Awards; two for acting (The Normal Heart and A Doll’s House) and two for writing (Wake Up, Cameron Dobbs and Four Sugars). I have also been nominated for our local, community theatre Arts for Life awards for directing, lighting design, choreography and scenic design (winning the latter for Fun Home with Take Two Productions).
Favorite quote/words to live by: Tell your story bravely. It’s a story worth telling.” – Morgan, The Inheritance
A song that makes you happy: I love 80s music. Here I Go Again by Whitesnake is a fave.

Stephen Peirick and Nicole Angeli in Stray Dog’s “Hedda Gabler” in 2017. Photo by John Lamb.
“Art” outdoors at Stray Dog, with Ben Ritchie and Jeremy Goldmeier in 2021. Photo by John Lamb

By Lynn Venhaus

An 18-year-old girl in a car. Life looms large at that age, so much ahead, not much in the rear-view mirror. Is she ready to embark on her journey?

The expertly produced “The Mad Ones” from Tesseract Theatre captures those feelings –that yearning for experiences and the exhilaration of the possibilities about the road ahead, but also wanting to leave the past behind. And regrets, we’ve all had a few.

The show, first produced in 2017, formerly known as “The Unauthorized Biography of Samantha Brown,” focuses on that moment when you prepare to leave home – off to college or work or other adventures – and the memories that flood your brain during a turning point. What does Samantha do when people around her give advice? And how can she move on when certain things hold her back?

Ensemble. Photo by Florence Flick

As besties Samantha and Kelly, Melissa Felps as the smart one and Grace Langford as the wild one sing their hearts out in Kait Kerrigan and Bree Loudermilk’s off-Broadway musical theatre sensation. This contemporary drama is laced with humor and isn’t going for easy answers or tying things up neatly, but rather a process of discovery, which can feel overwrought because of the intense material.

This four-person show taps into choices, grief, and loss, and how the detours of life just force us off the road – even when we’re just getting started. Three of the four performers make their Tesseract debut, in line with the company’s mission to include fresh voices and new perspectives. (Langford was seen earlier this year in “The Last Five Years.”)

While Felps and Langford, both tremendous belters, are a dynamic duo as the oh-so-dramatic BFFs, Sarah Gene Dowling as Sam’s mom Beverly and Cody Cole as Sam’s boyfriend Adam are also noteworthy.

Dowling conveys warmth and wisdom as sometimes overbearing Beverly, strong in her touching “Miles to Go” solo, and zealous in “I Know My Girl” accompanied by the ensemble. Cole, while not on stage that much, works to make dim-bulb Adam more than the one-note character as written. His “Run Away with Me” reveals a tender side.

Sarah Gene Dowling and Melissa Felps. Photo by Florence Flick.

The characters are rather sketchily drawn, but the performers work overtime to make them relatable. The book could use some tweaking – as the non-linear story arc can be clunky in disclosure and sometimes murky.

However, the propulsive songs are exceptionally expressive, and the ensemble delivers them with a deeply felt commitment, especially “Moving On,” “Drive” and “Remember This.” They have fun introducing themselves in “We’re Just in Your Head.”

Once dialed in, the production is more than crossroads and “On the Road” references (title included). No need for spoiler alert– but expect life to happen while they’re busy making other plans.

Felps, in her best performance to date, exhibits plenty of verve, but also frets in the way that teenage girls do, with moms and boyfriends to deal with – and with a pesky live-wire best friend judging her decisions and nudging her out of her comfort zone.

Her poignant delivery of “The Girl Who Drove Away” and “There Was a Party” aptly captures her impassioned but sensible valedictorian character, while she excels in the duets, smoothly collaborating with her partners.

With Cole as the not-as-intelligent beau, the couple is playful in “Simple as That,” funny in “The Proposal,” and sweet and hopeful in “Say the Word.”

The mother-daughter relationship is humorously captured in “My Mom Is a Statistician” while she’s learning to drive, a running plot point.

Cody Cole, Melissa Felps, Grace Langford. Photo by Florence Flick.

But the calling card here is puckish Langford and earnest Felps’ stupendous harmony. Their heartfelt vocals are best in a song grappling with life’s blows – “Ordinary Senior Year,” and revisiting memories and dreams in “Freedom.” They really have fun with “Top Ten” – you must listen to the lyrics. (A dig about Sting’s musical?! Hilarious. More Sting jokes to come (?!)

Both high-spirited actresses have worked together before, in a regional production of “Urinetown” in summer 2022, and they have an easy chemistry that allows their characters to resonate emotionally. The two singers reach a zenith with their power in “Go Tonight” (written as a shouting match, it seems – some of the bombastic delivery could have been more nuanced to mix up the intensity).

Lyricist Kerrigan and composer Loudermilk’s musical has inspired a cult-like following, in a similar way that “Dear Evan Hansen” did in 2017. As this work has been in development for many years, several numbers went viral on YouTube. More than 15,000 pieces of digital music from the score have already been sold since 2009.

The work of high-octane director-choreographer-performer Kevin Corpuz, a big fan of Kerrigan-Loudermilk, always has an energy to it, and in his directorial debut, has maintained a noticeable momentum in The Marcelle space. The staging, to use a driving reference (that are plentiful in this show), has muscular power.

Music Director Joe Schoen’s interpretation of the score has both a fleetness and a sleekness to it, with Schoen conducting and playing keyboard, and superb sound from Adam Rugo on guitar, Chuck Evans on violin, and Zach Neumann on a second keyboard.

The creative crew has contributed to outstanding production values – Jacob Baxley on sound design, Brittanie Gunn on lighting design, and Todd Schaefer’s striking scenic design that allows a fluidity, while Stage Manager Sarah Baucom keeps the action smooth.

Photo by Florence Flick.

Gunn, co-founder and creative director, and Corpuz, also creative director, are ushering in a new era at the 12-year-old Tesseract that promises to be exciting as they reach new goals with musical productions and continue their commitment to new voices with their summer play festival.

“The Mad Ones” is a crowd-pleasing choice after positive response to “Kinky Boots,” “Ordinary Days,” and “The Last Five Years,” yet still taking risks and meeting challenges. Next up is “The Inheritance,” the 2020 Tony Award winner for Best Play, in April, New Musical Summer Fest in July, and the musical “Anastasia” in November 2024.

In the iconoclastic words of Jack Kerouac: “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or a saw a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.”

Tesseract Theatre Company presents “The Mad Ones” Nov. 3-12, with performances on Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 4 p.m. at The Marcelle, 3310 Samuel Shepard Dr, St. Louis, 63103, in Grand Center. The show is 1 hour, 40 minutes, without intermission. For more information, visit the website:

Melissa Felps as Samantha. Photo by Florence Flick

By Lynn Venhaus

“Mindgame” is one of those clever psychological thrillers that keeps you guessing through two acts, as the twists and gasps mount.

Set in an experimental maximum-security asylum for the criminally insane, a feeling of dread permeates the drab walls of Fairfields, which is located in an isolated part of the English countryside. In the director’s office, you can only imagine what horrors are on the other side of the door.

The program notes state that “nothing is what it seems.”

The 1999 play written by Anthony Horowitz is a rather verbose exercise, but the tension builds as we question who is legit and who is unhinged, and why the psychopaths who live undetected next door send chills up our spines.

It takes place in the summer at the turn of the 21st century, hence the modern references instead of the dated Agatha Christie-Arthur Conan Doyle tropes.

When Act One begins, a journalist has an appointment to see the director in hopes of gaining permission to interview a notorious serial killer named Easterman for a true-crime book. Easterman’s terrifying string of murders were grisly – and we’ll hear about them in more detail. Would you go near Hannibal Lecter or Ed Gein?

We will also hear about more cases, and while Easterman is fictional, the other stories are based on real murderers. For instance, sadist Andrei Chikatilo who is mentioned killed more than 50 women and children.

As presented by Albion Theatre, “Mindgame” is a tour de force for its two leading actors, Chuck Winning and Nick Freed, who are reminiscent of Michael Caine and Laurence Olivier going toe to toe (or head-to-head) in the brilliant 1972 film “Sleuth,” which was based on Anthony Shaffer’s Tony-winning play. (Fun fact: Both were so captivating that they were nominated for Oscars, losing to Marlon Brando for “The Godfather.”)

The third cast member, Nicole Angeli, is Nurse Paisley, and as always, she delivers a multi-layered performance in a smaller supporting, but pivotal, role.

Winning, Angeli and Freed. Photo by John Lamb

Winning, as Doctor Farquhar, and Freed, as writer Mark Styler, are on stage nearly the whole time, and work so well together that it’s like watching a 5-set tennis match at the Wimbledon finals, such are the nimble verbal volleys and quicksilver shifts of power between their characters.

Earlier this year, both actors stood out in Albion’s second play, “The Birthday Party.” As a pair of menacing villains, Winning was a revelation and Freed, who moved here from Chicago, made a stunning debut.

Winning’s Farquhar is garrulous, pompous, and brainy, displaying contempt for the patients and superiority in his psychoanalysis and therapy skills. When he pontificates about his perception of how to treat the mentally ill, Winning’s hot-air blathering teeters on that fine line between ridiculous and expertise.

Freed’s Styler is confident, cocky, and skeptical at first, then increasingly unsettled by the surroundings and peculiar behaviors. His instincts are finely tuned as his moods change.

The play is elaborate in how it threads the needle from point A to point B – and that can get a little tedious as dynamics flip. However, the actors hold our attention and bring out the best in each other as scene partners, and Robert Ashton ups the ante with his adroit direction.

In British slang, the mystery’s a corker, and Ashton, a nimble theater veteran with a flair for crisp and purposeful staging, masterfully controls the suspense.

To give more away would be to spoil the plot, and the fun part of being in the audience is the discovery. Because you know something’s not quite right, and deceit and delusions are there for the deducing.

It’s a credit to all involved that they never tip us off, stay in the moment and do not anticipate what’s ahead, making us fascinated by what’s unfolding.

The technical sight and sound work are also sharp, with Erik Kuhn the tech director and set designer, and an expert fight choreographer. Eric Wennlund’s lighting design is both functional and artful while Jacob Baxley’s sound design adds layers of fright. Stage Manager and Assistant Director Gwynneth Rausch keeps the danse macabre taut.

It’s only Albion’s fourth show, and they have impressed with their well-staged productions featuring strong performances and outstanding production values. Founded in 2022 to explore the rich history of playwrighting in Britain, with regular trips across the sea to Ireland, they not only entertainan audience, but strive to inform them of the social, political, and cultural influences of the time. So far, they are nailing every facet of the archetypes of a good drama/comedy.

One thing is always a given – that the accents will be spot-on, and the trio’s work here is superb. Albion provides a word and phrases guide for us in their programs, too.

If you like hair raised and minds bent, this is a dandy way to spend 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Chuck Winning as Dr Farquhar. Photo by John Lamb.

Albion Theatre presents “Mindgame” by Anthony Horowitz from Oct. 20 to Nov. 5 at the Kranzberg Arts Center, 501 N. Grand in Grand Center. Performances are Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. For more information, visit www.

By Lynn Venhaus
Strong performances mark Prism Theatre Company’s stirring interpretation of the fascinating and complex “Doubt: A Parable,” which pits a progressive well-liked young priest against a conservative rigid nun who is the feared school principal, plunging us into a nebulous gray area.

The year is 1964, a time when America was reeling from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Civil Rights movement was emerging, and Catholics would be adapting to the monumental Vatican II (1962-65).

At a Catholic school in the Bronx, Sister Aloysius Beauvier suspects Father Brendan Flynn, also the physical ed teacher, of molesting an altar boy, scrutinizing every word and action of the parish priest. Without any evidence, she shares her accusation with Sister James, an eager and inexperienced young teacher.

Sister James, sweet-natured, is drawn into her superior’s distrust with her own suspicions, and Rhiannon Creighton superbly reflects the naivete and people-pleasing character of Sister James.

Kate Durbin, Rhiannon Creighton. Photo by Kim Howland

In a fiery performance, Kate Durbin commands every scene she’s in as the embodiment of the typical strict take-charge disciplinarian we recall from our parochial school days. She is laser-focused in portraying the nun’s unbending resolve, and you feel her bristle at every example of what she finds offensive about the priest, who has opposing views to her black-and-white view of human nature. She’s as inflexible confronting modern ways as the priest is open to making the church more accessible.

Jeffrey David Thomas expertly conveys the assertive Father Flynn, making it clear his view of outreach is very different from Sister Aloysius. He projects the vibe of the ‘cool priest’ who thinks sister’s harsh opinions are a detriment to moving the church forward.

After all, the second Vatican council stressed renewal and unity, opening up participation with the laity and focused on what the pastoral needs of parishioners were. Flynn is convincingly committed to reach his ‘flock,’ and from the pulpit, communicates through sermons that are parables, not so much actual truths.

John Patrick Shanley’s masterful 2004 play, which won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and the Tony Award for Best Play, always has made people uncomfortable, as they examine questions of faith, belief, traditions, and human behavior.

Shanley, Oscar winner in 1988 for his original screenplay of “Moonstruck,” has inserted some spot-on humor, particularly when the priest and the two sisters discuss plans for the school Christmas pageant. He wants to add a secular popular song. He also takes – gasp – three lumps of sugar in his tea.

Kate Durbin, Laurell Stevenson. Photo by Kim Howland

Shanley cannily set this explosive story when the U.S. was undergoing political and social changes, which provides another intriguing angle to the layered narrative. In the Catholic Church, Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI addressed the needs of modern congregations.

In trying to make the parish more of a welcome guidepost, is Flynn hiding inappropriate behavior? Or is the principal twisting his views as a personal vendetta?

The pupil that is the target of his extra attention is the only black student in the school, Donald Muller, and Laurell Stevenson is riveting as his mother, who attends a meeting arranged by the principal. She knows her son’s challenges, pointing out that she values opportunities over innuendo. Without raising her voice, in her sole scene, she lays down real-world gravitas, and emotionally delivers a raw and honest analysis about her son thriving or failing at school and in life.

This battle of wills between two authority figures is deftly staged by director Trish Brown, who doesn’t waste a precious second in allowing feelings of uncertainty to seep into our collective conscience.

Because of the nuanced performances, tension effectively mounts, and – squirming may occur. It’s not-so-subtly unsettling, and the 85-minute play is presented without intermission. Does sister’s unwavering sense of duty triumph? We are meant to be the jury and the judge, and the debate isn’t always certain, depending on how powerful the production is.

(And it goes without saying, in light of the revelations of sexual abuse cases on a global scale in the Catholic Church in recent decades, we’re looking at this narrative through that rear-view mirror). That’s why the performances are so crucial to match the sharp dialogue.)

The dynamic exchanges between the cast take place in either the sister’s office or an outdoor garden on the grounds and scenic designer Matt Stuckel has admirably transformed the intimate confines of the Kranzberg black box theatre.

Jacob Baxley’s sound design, Tony Anselmo’s lighting design, Sam Hayes’ costume design and Caleb Long’s technical work strengthened the presentation.

This is a polished production that is convincing in its clarity, with memorable performances that will persuade you to continue the conversation.

Father Flynn. Photo by Kim Howland

Prism Theatre Company presents “Doubt: A Parable” April 21-23 and 28-30 at the Kranzberg Black Box Theatre, with Thursday through Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. It contains adult themes, suggestions of sexual abuse and some racist language that may be offensive to some viewers.

The box office opens 30 minutes before each performance or purchase tickets online at MetroTix by phone (314)534-1111 or at the Fabulous Fox box office.

By Lynn Venhaus

Stephen Sondheim’s lush and richly layered score is flawlessly presented by music director Leah Schultz and an extraordinary 12-piece orchestra, with touching ensemble harmonies to match, setting apart Stray Dog Theatre’s fresh and clever “Into the Woods.”

Since the musical was first produced in 1986 before going to Broadway the next year, audiences have found new ways to see the message behind this beguiling gem: No one is alone.

 Starting with its deceptively simple concept featuring familiar fairy tale characters interacting, the second act swerves into much darker territory. For they are desperately seeking happily ever after, but not transforming their lives until they change their selfish, foolish, and childish ways. But eventually, hope emerges after harsh occurrences.

The roster from Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault’s centuries-old literary works includes Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Jack and the Beanstalk, Rapunzel, and the childless couple from Thumbelina.

The themes involving parents and children touch on responsibility, morality, and the consequences of wishes to beautiful, emotional effect. (I expect to get misty-eyed in multiple scenes.)

“Nice is different than good.” It is a very grown-up tale that becomes more profound with each viewing and the passage of time, yet its structure isn’t predictable. The complexities of this insightful tale resonate 26 years later, which has been crucial to this show’s staying power.

That’s the genius of Sondheim’s collaboration with book writer and director James Lapine. They both won Tony’s – for score and book – but that year the top prize went to “The Phantom of the Opera.”

(If we’re mentioning prizes, the 2002 revival won the Tony for Best Musical Revival, a London West End revival in 2010 won the Olivier Award, and the most recent Encores! revival in 2022 that was so popular it extended its run multiple times, closing on Jan. 8, won the Grammy Award for Best Musical Theatre Album – and expect Tony nominations this spring.) Clearly a show that gets better with age, as long as the humanity is displayed.

Before Disney revised fairy tales, many were dark, and upon second glance, it’s not all cuddly forest animals and talking birds. However, director Justin Been recognized the whimsy and the playfulness, which he focuses on, with some snark. That helps considerably on the small intimate stage – yet he does not gloss over the less-than-merry, adding that necessary depth.

The library setting, with well-placed bookshelves, designed by Been and Dominic Emery, gives it a different perspective. The program lists the place as “an old library on the fringes of our memory.” And the time – “Maybe yesterday, could be tomorrow.” Been’s staging adroitly moves the characters physically to convey their power plays. And they leap off the pages, as this cast has no trouble breaking the fourth wall.

The narrator (Jon Hey) introduces four groups of characters – Cinderella (Maggie Nold) wishes to go to the festival, Jack (Shannon Lampkin Campbell) wishes that his cow Milky White would give milk, a baker and his wife (Tyler Luetkenhaus and Margaret Stall) want to have a baby, and Little Red Riding Hood (Grace Langford), wants to visit her grandmother.  

The baker’s neighbor is a witch (Jennelle Gilreath Owens) who has been pulling the strings from bitterness. A curse she cast has made them infertile because his father stole her vegetables, including magic beans. Her own mother cursed her, making her old and hideous. In turn, she took the baker’s father’s child, Rapunzel (Dawn Schmid).

The Witch makes a deal – bring her four ingredients “the cow as white as milk, the cape as red as blood, the hair as yellow as corn, and the slipper as pure as gold” in three days’ time – and she’ll reverse it.

And we’re off “Into the Woods” on the rugged journey, where there is more chicanery afoot. Nobody is who they appear to be. Will they find out if what they’ve always wished for is what they truly want? They will lie, cheat, and steal to achieve their goals, but when the going gets tough, realize they must work together. The characters learn that they must carry each other, or the show will not resonate as deeply.

The 14-member cast fluidly follows its course, with some roles typically doubled. Most display crisp comic timing and strong vocals at the same time, although some characters aren’t that amusing (Jack’s mom, the tragic Rapunzel, and the rather generic roles of Granny and Cinderella’s Mother).

The Wolf, Little Red. Photo by John Lamb

As the petulant Little Red Riding Hood, Grace Langford brings out the girl’s brattiness, and then learns some things: “I Know Things Now.”

The ever reliable and assured Jon Hey plays both the Narrator and the Mysterious Man, who slithers out of owning up to responsibility. And his occasional jig must be a nod to Rumplestiltskin.

This time, though, Cinderella’s Prince and the Wolf, are played by separate characters. Agile Drew Mizell and animated Sarah Polizzi humorously step into the princes (Cinderella’s and Rapunzel’s) and as Cinderella’s awful stepsisters Florinda and Lucinda. It may be stunt-casting, but it works.

In fact, the broader the comedy, the more fun the performer has. It’s a treat to see comical Michael Wells return to the Tower Grove Abbey stage in multiple roles, for he is deliciously wicked as the Wolf (“Hello, Little Girl”), then portray Cinderella’s father, Prince’s steward and make hilarious sound effects as the crying baby.

The splendid Jennelle Gilreath Owens takes a more cynical, less menacing approach to the diva role of the Witch, which suits her, delivering a disconcerting “Last Midnight” and dynamic “Children Will Listen.” Her dialogue stings – especially such memorable lines as “I’m not good; I’m not nice; I’m just right” and “I was just trying to be a good mother.”

Other standouts include Tyler Luetkenhaus and Margaret Stall as the Baker and Baker’s Wife, both making noteworthy debuts. They breezily sail through “It Takes Two,” while their signatures “Moments in the Woods” and “No One Is Alone” are superb.

Bringing out the baker’s flaws, Luetkenhaus adds a layer of deceit that’s not always there, and you sense that the couple is truly working through their issues as the characters. It’s not always as superficial as some of the other characterizations. They delve into the hearts and minds.

Shannon Lampkin Campbell is a spunky yet naive Jack the Giant Killer, robust in “Giants in the Sky.” Been has moved the physical confrontation between the giant’s wife, steward and Jack’s mom (Laura Lee Kyro) offstage, which accounts for less fireworks. Yet, Milky White is as funny as ever, with its goofy, squatty, small appearance.

Photo by John Lamb

Just as she showed in “A Little Night Music,” Madeline Black has a regal bearing and her speech pattern accents the haughtiness of Cinderella’s stepmother. Granny and Cinderella’s mother are handled competently by Jennifer Clodi, who also voices the frightening Giant and his livid Wife.

The princess roles are capably filled by Dawn Schmid as distraught Rapunzel and Maggie Nold as tormented Cinderella, bringing out their characters’ insecurities.

The ensemble appears to be having fun together and has the silky-smooth voices to meet their major moments. It’s such a pleasure to hear the sublime Sondheim sung as intended.

Schultz has conducted the orchestrations by Jonathan Tunick with expert finesse, nimbly leading Marie Brown and Paul Rueschhoff on cello (alternating performances), Mo Carr on trumpet, Chuck Evans on viola, Steve Frisbee on violin, John Gerdes on horn, Lea Gerdes on flute, piccolo and reed, Mike Hanson on percussion, Ian Hayden on reed, and M. Joshua Ryan on bass through Sondheim’s recurring motifs. They are strategically placed among the bookshelves, a savvy touch.

Sarah Gene Dowling’s colorful wig design enhances the fantasy storybook world, pairing well with Eileen Engel’s character-appropriate costume design.

Jacob Baxley’s sound design is crystal clear, and Tyler Duenow’s lighting design effectively sets the moods.

And because the songs are so exquisitely rendered, moments will linger. The second act is aural perfection, connecting the story threads into a magical experience that is awe-inspiring.

Photo by John Lamb

Stray Dog Theatre presents “Into the Woods” March 30 – April 22 at 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, with additional performances at 2 p.m. on Sunday, April 2 and Sunday, April 16, at the Tower Grove Abbey, 2336 Tennessee Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63104. Gated Parking. Additional information and ticket reservations: Call (314) 865-1995. Visit

The 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, and 4/21 performances will be presented with ASL interpretation by students from Southwestern Illinois College. ASL interpreted performances are suitable for audience members who are Deaf, deafened, or have hearing loss. They can also be valuable for people who are learning ASL.

Audio Description: The 4/16 performance will be Audio Described by MindsEye. Audio Described performances are suitable for audience members who are blind or partially sighted. Please note that if you are interested in participating in the audio description of this performance you will need to call the Box Office to order your ticket. Please announce that you would like to reserve a pair of headphones for the Audio Description.

Jack, Baker, Cinderella. Photo by John Lamb

By Lynn Venhaus

The promising new direction of the Westport Playhouse as a live entertainment venue bodes well for the future, and the one-woman holiday show, “The Twelve Dates of Christmas,” appeals to merry revelers.

Actor/playwright Ginna Hoben wrote this personal comedy that was first performed in 2010, and it’s a heartfelt and humorous chronicle of her dating hits and misses during a calendar year.

After starting out the mega-holiday season with Thanksgiving at her family’s home in Ohio, the lead character Mary must endure the humiliation of seeing her fiancé kiss his co-worker on national television during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. This is after he bailed on the trip, saying he was ill.

Oh, the horror of the life you expected vs. the real world is the gift that keeps on giving during the Christmas holiday and beyond. And those pesky female relatives that offer advice or judgment or know better.

Mary is an actress, and obviously a drama queen, sharing her rocky journey. The versatile Jennifer Theby Quinn dials it up to 11 sometimes to depict the jilted, bitter, and frustrated single woman. She does find the funny in the pathos – I mean, you kinda sorta must for survival.

She conveys a gamut of emotions, as she allows herself to jump back into the dating world. Some of the romances are weird, creepy, absurd, and comical, which leads to cynicism, but there are glimmers of hope – and more heartbreak.

The material lends itself to broad interpretations, and in its format, is not as polished as the Hallmark Channel rom-coms, yet there are nuggets of recognition in the hook-ups.

When fate intervenes in a good way, Theby-Quinn is at her best in the quieter, more touching moments — those heart-on-sleeve confessions, and revelations where she is at her most natural.

The genuine encounters with a charming little boy playing Tiny Tim in a production Mary is in are designed to tug at the heartstrings. And Theby-Quinn is effective in depicting the sweetness she experiences dealing with such an innocent 5-year-old. You can feel your heart melt as hers does (and she differentiates the characters well).

A sunny presence, Theby-Quinn is energized by the audience and works hard to engage them. To keep the show lively, director Lee Anne Mathews has kept her moving all over the stage so it’s not as boxed in as other solo shows.

That’s a lot of stamina for 90 minutes, and it’s a demanding run as well (nearly a month). She’s a tenacious trouper, familiar with the space, after playing Kate Monster in “Avenue Q” in 2019 and Fiona in “Flanagan’s Wake” in early 2020, then forced to shut down during the coronavirus lockdown.

Theby-Quinn is one of the most skilled performers in St. Louis, impressive in dramas, comedies, and musicals, earning two St. Louis Theater Circle Awards and multiple nominations.

She can plum more emotional depths, given tougher material, as these lightweight vignettes are designed to mostly elicit laughs and resonate. (But does an actress in the big city? Of course – because she’s as exhausted as other single women — “One hundred and twenty-five jackasses it takes to meet one decent man!” is my favorite line. We can all empathize).

Single women who have been unlucky at love and those who have had good relationships that didn’t work out, can understand Mary’s quest for Mr. Right. Perhaps the material would be more endearing if there was a guy to tango with, but Mary ‘s tasked with performing other characters (about a dozen) vocally, and that helps.

The snazzy production values – a large LED screen adds perky images and clever animated artwork from master video designers Margery and Peter Spack – help to open it and add to the storytelling, instead of having a boxed-in feeling that can typically happen in solo shows.

It was late in the run when I saw it, and the sound was distorted at times, but according to colleagues who had seen it on different nights, it was just fine, no problems.

Jacob Baxley incorporates a fine mix of songs to enhance the holidays throughout the year, and Dan MacLaughlin’s lighting design adds warmth. Liz Henning is listed as a wardrobe consultant, and that’s always a good sign. Lenny Mink’s and Kurtis Gibbs’ video editing and photography enhances the show, as does Joel Wilper’s work as an audio/video technician.

One can understand the desire for a crowd-pleaser at this crazy-busy time of year when everyone’s trying to have a joyous holiday season, and that this is a tad overzealous in trying to ramp up the jolly.

But the sincerity and goodwill evident both on and off stage works in its favor.

“The 12 Dates of Christmas” runs from Nov. 25 to Dec. 23 at the Westport Plaza, in the Westport Plaza Business and Entertainment District. Because of COVID-cancellation at the run’s end, a special 2 p.m. performance on Dec. 30 has been scheduled and tickets available at the box office. For more information, visit

By Lynn Venhaus
Area theatergoers, you must see “Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time,” now playing at the recently renamed Florissant Performing Arts Center, presented by Hawthorne Players through Nov. 13.

Opening night Friday was a testament to a production fulfilling its promise and meeting the moment, truly raising the bar for the entire St. Louis theater scene.

Knowing what Ken Clark is capable of as a director and scenic designer, and recognizing members of the cast and creative team, I purchased tickets to see it as a patron, not as a professional critic (do not review community/school theater) or an AFL judge (which I did for 10 years, but no longer in that role). My schedule does not permit me to get to everything I’d like to see, but lo and behold, Nov. 4 opened up.

Winner of five Tony Awards in 2015 and seven Olivier Awards in London, this immersive drama is one of the most unique theatrical experiences you will ever see — and also one of the most moving. Simon Stephens adapted the book by Mark Haddon, which takes us on a journey inside the brilliant mind of Christopher, who struggles to process everyday information, and has sensory perception issues.

Recent upgrades to the theater — the auditorium is part of the Florissant Civic Center — have enabled next-level technical work. The ‘Curious Incident’ creative team is the first to use the new projectors, and it adds so much.

However, technological bells and whistles are only as good as the creative minds behind the set, sound and lighting designs — bravo to lighting designer Eric Wennlund (his “The Spitfire Grill” was sublime, an AFL award winner), sound designer Jacob Baxley, who also composed the music score (!), and scenic and projection designer Ken Clark. Remarkable work.

Mike De Pope, Daniel Wolfe. Photo by Wolfe Creative Media Services.

Delivering the show’s heart, getting the ‘mind’ of the material right, is a tight ensemble. Dan Wolfe is exceptional as Christopher, and you can’t get up to leave immediately after the curtain call (standing O Friday), or you’ll miss his terrific coda. The youngster, who won a Best Performance Award from AFL last summer for “Annie,” displays how much effort he put into making Christopher as authentic as possible. It’s a tour de force.

Mike De Pope and Jennelle Gilreath Owens are strong as the parents, Natalee Damron is the sympathetic and firm teacher Siobhan, and a fine group of local actors perform multiple roles, including Jeff Kargus, Marian Holtz, Elle Harlow, Patrick Brueggen, Hunter Fredrick and Jessica Kelly.

The dialect work is superb — and consistent, and the coaches, with UK roots, are Robert Ashton and Gwynneth Rausch. Special mention to assistant director and choreographer Stefanie Kluba for staging the crisp movements that add to this show’s tapestry, and to ace veteran costume designer Jean Heckmann.

Lobby photo.\ by Lynn Venhaus

It’s indeed a triumph for all involved, and especially for the Hawthorne board of directors, for greenlighting such a challenging work.

Now in its 75th season, the group has been celebrating throughout the year. Take time to look at all the historical items in the lobby — and you can take a chance on a stunning quilt Jean Heckmann made including some of their shows. The quilt drawing is set for after their final show of the year, “Cowboy Christmas,” on Dec. 10.

This show’s level of difficulty is high, and anyone who has seen it before — whether Broadway, London or locally, is aware of its demands. In 2017, The Repertory Theatre of St Louis’s production blew me away. Several months later, it was honored as Outstanding Drama Production by the St. Louis Theater Circle, of which I am a founding member.

Dan Wolfe. Photo by Wolfe Creative Media Services.

I remember talking to Steve Woolf, the late great artistic director of The Rep, who had seen the show in London , and felt he had ‘cracked the code’ on how to make it work at the Rep.

In a column after his untimely death in 2021, I wrote:

“During rehearsals for the stellar “All the Way” in 2015 (I was there to interview Brian Dykstra, playing LBJ, and Woolf, who was directing —, he told me about his experience seeing “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” in London.

He had been gobsmacked. He didn’t think The Rep could do it — very technical show, intricate — but the wheels were turning. He was so excited about trying to bring it to The Rep. “I think I’ve found a way we can do it,” he said to me later. (more of that article,

In 2019, Actors Attic, a youth-focused theater group in Columbia, Ill., won several Theatre Mask Awards, presented by Arts for Life, for its ambitious production directed by MaryBeth Scherr Babcock. As far as I know, they’ve been the only local group to tackle it until now.

Yes, this is high praise. And yes, it’s that good. This column isn’t intended to review the show, only to urge people to fill seats of Flo PAC. It takes a village to put on a show as risky and rewarding as this, and they pulled it off in spectacular fashion, so I wanted to honor their efforts. All that work was worth it — but they deserve an audience.

GO SEE IT and support live theater. We need the arts and how it connects people more than we ever have.

(Fun Fact: As a news reporter and feature writer at the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, I told then-entertainment editor Frank Hunter that I had a theater background and would be available to review local theater if he needed a hand. One of my earliest assignments that I recall was “Carousel” at Hawthorne Players in 1984.)

‘Curious Incident’ is performed Nov 4, 5, 11 and 12 at 7:30 pm, with a matinee on Nov. 13 at 2 pm at the Florissant Performing Arts Center.
Tickets may be purchased online at
For more information and sensitivity warnings, go to

Cover photo by Wolfe Creative Media Services

Ensemble on the train. Photo by Wolfe Creative Media Services.
Dan Wolfe, Jennelle Gilreath Owens. Photo by Wolfe Creative Media Services.

By Lynn Venhaus
How do you define J-O-C-U-L-A-R-I-T-Y? The literal translation is “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” now playing at Stray Dog Theatre.

A splendid summer sojourn, the jaunty musical comedy celebrates American traditions and meritocracy, our inherent competitive spirt, and freak-flag waving.

At a nondescript middle school, a sextet of smarty-pants sixth graders competes for a $200 savings bond and a towering trophy at the annual big-deal event. Three adults handle the proceedings, and four audience members are selected to participate, too.

And the blithe spirits on stage and in the audience instinctually know this is far more pleasurable than Mensa members getting together for Scrabble, especially with its clever audience-participation cachet.

However, those who didn’t make the honor roll need not worry, for SAT scores aren’t required at the door, and it’s a very accessible and inclusive work. The catchy music and savvy lyrics by William Finn (“Falsettos,” “A New Brain”) and the whip-smart Tony-winning book by Rachel Sheinkin offer something for everyone.

In this enjoyable production, adroitly directed by Justin Been, the dexterous cast has mastered the nimble word play and spit-take worthy improvisations for a rollicking good time. They got game.

The in-sync ensemble expertly colors outside the lines, shading their idiosyncratic characters with humor and humanity. Unlike “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” where grown-ups also play kids, this is a show with mature content.

Kevin Corpuz is returning champ Charlito “Chip” Tolentino, a strident Boy Scout who is struggling with puberty and distracted by a female in audience; Grace Langford is resolute newcomer Olive Ostrosky, whose mom is in India and dad is always working; and Sara Rae Womack is fervid Marcy Park, an over-achieving transfer student.

Clayton Humburg is mellow Leaf Coneybear, home-schooled son of hippies; Dawn Schmid is high-strung Logainne “Schwartzy” SchwartzandGrubenierre, politically aware and pushed by her two dads to win at all costs; and Kevin O’Brien is last year’s egghead finalist William Morris Barfee, whose name is really pronounced Bar-Fay, because of an accent aigu, and not Bar-Fee, like the announcer repeats.

Photo by John Lamb

While everyone’s comic timing is admirable, O’Brien elicits many laughs as he embodies a know-it-all misfit unfortunately hampered by one working nostril. Hunching his shoulders, rolling his eyes, and sighing in exasperation, O’Brien is in his element. He has the most peculiar way of spelling out the words – with his “Magic Foot.”

Barfee is one of those supporting roles that is an awards nomination magnet, like Adolfo in “The Drowsy Chaperone” and the UPS guy in “Legally Blonde – The Musical.” Dan Fogler, now of “Fantastic Beasts” who recently played Francis Ford Coppola in “The Offer,” won a Tony Award for originating the role.

The middle-school spellers are joined by four individuals that have volunteered for the gig – signing up in the lobby beforehand.  Good sports, they are called on to spell, without any special treatment, which is a key element to the fun. They might have to spell Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, or cow.

The three adults in the room include ‘comfort counselor’ Mitch Mahoney (Chris Kernan), an ex-con who gives the eliminated contestants a juice box and a hug; former champ and returning moderator Rona Lisa Peretti (Stephanie Merritt), a successful realtor who enjoys reliving her glory days; and Vice Principal Douglas Panch (Jason Meyers), who has returned as a judge after personal time off to work out some ‘things.’

Their perspicacity is evident – and the three veterans are oh-so-smooth with the innuendos and deadpan humor. Merritt is guileful as the supremely assured and unflappable announcer – think Patty Simcox from “Grease” as an adult.

She glibly describes the contestants with seemingly innocent comments and a few double-entendres. You don’t want to miss a word, for you might do a double-take (Wait – what?).

Hilarity ensues whenever the puckish Meyers wryly uses a word in a sentence or describes his feelings. He elevates the script’s wit (those inappropriate comments!) with his crackerjack delivery. Just don’t get him started on Klondike’s decision to drop the Choco Taco! He’s a tad jittery.

Photo by John Lamb

Several performers double as ancillary characters, such as parents – for instance, Kernan and Humburg are Logainne’s importunate fathers. Corpuz shows up as Jesus Christ. (You’ll just have to see).

The convivial show, workshopped into an off-Broadway hit, transferred to Broadway in 2005 – and was nominated for six Tony Awards, winning two. It was originally conceived by Rebecca Feldman and based upon “C-R-E-P-U-S-C-U-L-E,” a play by her improv collective, The Farm. Additional material was supplied by Jay Reiss.

The ingenious construction has managed to keep it fresh 17 years later by relying on the actors to be on the ball with au courant references.

Been astutely uses the state of play as an advantage, maintaining a balance of friskiness and sweetness that makes sure everyone is in on the jokes. No mean-spirited sarcasm here.

The cast’s exemplary improv skills make this a very funny, free-wheeling show. But let’s not forget the music is an integral part, too, and each character nails a signature song. Besides Barfee’s “Magic Foot,” there is — Leaf: “I’m Not That Smart.” Olive: “My Friend, The Dictionary.” Marcy: “I Speak Six Languages.” Logainne: “Woe Is Me.” Chip: “Chip’s Lament.”

Rona’s “My Favorite Moment of the Bee” is a running theme throughout, Mitch serenades the last audience speller with “Prayer of the Comfort Counselor,” and Panch is in “Spelling Montage.”

The troupe’s strong voices harmonize well in the group numbers, too.

Photo by John Lamb

Music Director Leah Schultz smoothly keeps the tempo on track, and is on piano, joined by Kelly Austermann on reeds and Joe Winters on percussion. Choreographer Mike Hodges keeps the moves light-hearted and breezy.

Jacob Baxley’s sound design enhances Rona’s championship spotlight, as does Tyler Duenow’s lighting design.

Eileen Engel’s costume designs distinctly outfit the personalities – and allow them to move easily, whether in the minimal dancing or walking through the aisles.

The Tower Grove Abbey’s small stage is well-suited for the show’s sparse set design, put together by Been.

For logophiles, the principal contestants are relatable. — perhaps a bit more eccentric, but these quirky characters have all learned an early invaluable life lesson: Knowledge is power.

My fellow nerds will feel at one with their tribe. For we know that summer vacation fun isn’t defined by theme park rides, water slides, and sports camps, but by summer reading lists – whether it’s for a library club, school enrichment class or a free personal pan pizza in the Pizza Hut Book It! Program.

It’s still the only musical where the cool kids are here for the orthography. Revenge of the nerds, indeed. So, Wordle can wait – and this show cannot, for there are 8 performances remaining.

Stray Dog Theatre presents the musical “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Thursdays through Saturdays from Aug. 4 to Aug. 20 at 8 p.m., with additional performances at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 14 and 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 17 at the Tower Grove Abbey, 2336 Tennessee Avenue in Tower Grove East. For more information, visit

Note: Tickets are only offered in physically distanced groups of two or four.

Photo by John Lamb.